Why does Our Lady weep?

Miracles in Naju

Meaning of
the signs in Naju

Basic questions 

Our Lady's war

Who is Julia Kim?

Julia's testimony

Julia's suffering
as a victim soul


 Julia Kim's testimony during the Solemnity of Immaculation Conception.

Excerpts from Julia Kim's testimony during the prayer meeting for the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception on December 8th, 2011.

          bullet03_glitter.gif Praise Jesus !   Praise be the Blessed Mother !

  As the Blessed Mother started weeping tears on June 30th, 1985, many  Protestants, Buddhists, Pastors, Buddhist Monks, Atheists, foreigners and tepid Christians and so on had visited my house.  Two to three thousand pilgrims visited every day at that time.  So, members of the Legio Marie Movement of Na-Ju's Parish Church were helping the pilgrims according to the request of the Parish Priest.

  One day, I went out for some business I had to attend to when one of the women pilgrims started yelling at me "hey Madame! Madame! the fragrance is so good."  She was a Protestant, who came to see the Blessed Mother together with an elder (Protestant), and while she was there a foul odor filled the room.  Then suddenly, a beautiful, strong fragrance, came from within the densely packed room that had over 60 other  pilgrims in it, she narrated.

  An elder who accompanied her said that he smelled the fragrance while he poked me with his elbow.  Then I replied, " Jeez !, What are you talking about elder?   This is the smell of hair-spray,  we are in a hair parlor, you know."  Then, all of sudden, a sickening smell of sweat, and foot odor greeted my nose, she said.

We can only imagine how they, who had came from such a long distance, and having to sit in a small room would've had a hard time due to the odor of sweat and dirty feet.

  When I received the message from the Blessed Mother, without knowing that she would give such a strong fragrance of roses.  What is the meaning of this fragrance?

  In the middle of consideration, the Blessed Mother wants me to make people pray the Rosary more !  At that time, that is what I thought.  I didn't know or understand the meaning, of giving the fragrance of roses, to all the corners of the world, very well at that time.

By the way, despite the Blessed Mother, having given them the fragrance of roses, the odor that greeted their noses as soon as the fragrance of roses was withdrawn by the Blessed Mother, because they were in doubt, for the time being.

Those sisters closed their noses with their hands saying, " Blessed Mother, forgive us that we doubted in You", then the fragrance of roses was given  again for us.  "We experienced the real presence of the Blessed Mother" they said.

Before the Blessed Mother began weeping, I did not know well the Blessed Mother but I had not gotten into the swing of love of the Sacred Heart of Jesus despite having praying the Rosary daily before falling asleep.

So, Rufino also told me that " you are crazy for the love of the Sacred Heart of Jesus", but I did not hate hearing that but was very happy instead.

I've told myself "I would be happy to go crazy frequently, if I could go crazy with the love of the Sacred Heart of Jesus."

  When fixing a client's hair, once I had their hair done, I not only made one cut, but many cuttings to make hair beautiful, I wondered how many numerous hairs had I cut ?

How numerous the prayers were, because I offered up prayers that would turn our lives into prayers, that was my intention, to remove all the bad habits and hope that sinners would repent, as the number of hairs that I had cut with prayers.

When pulling out gray hairs, "Jesus ! Now, I am pulling out hairs, but, Jesus remove all the sick, lukewarm, even spoiled bad habits.

Praying like this while working, I am driven to be happy while I am working.  Let us all live happily by arming ourselves while turning our daily lives into prayers.

A positive mind brings us everything bliss, instead of a negative mind taking us into darkness.

Let's become newly born again on the commemoration of the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception and on the 24th Anniversary of the Blessed Mother's Statue being enshrined in the Chapel, and cut out all of the negative spirit of things, then we can make an effort to live the life of resurrection filled with joy, love, and peace with a positive mind.

Happiness is not having what you want, but wanting what you have.

Jesus and the Blessed Mother are with us, who are the most happy people with Him.  But some of the people blame and complain about everything with their negative way of thinking.

"Jesus !  You take care of others, on the contrary, why not me?  You should not blame like this!  The world will become much brighter if you turn your negative thinking into a positive way of thinking.

We will board Mary's Ark of Salvation with many souls and sail together and we will enjoy eternal happiness on the last day in heaven by growing spiritually while we relay our souls and bodies to the Lord and the Blessed Mother Who are present within us. What do we have to worry about ?

Dear fellow pilgrims!  Let's reform ourselves today.

 Amen !, pilgrims responded.

I moved into the Su-Gang Apartments with the Blessed Mother in 1986, but it was too small to accommodate all the pilgrims who visited.  Eventually we built this house here and enshrined the Blessed Mother on Dec. 8th, 1987.

When we purchased this property, to build the Chapel, it was a dumping  area at that time.

While digging up the ground, wastes continuously came out of the ground  day after day, so we collected all the wastes and dumped them into another place.  Upon watching the wastes, I prayed " Please burry even waste-like souls under the feet of the Blessed Mother and She will save them."

Not burying those people in a tomb, but instead bury all their bad habits here.  The property of this Chapel was a dumping ground, but we collected all the wastes, then we buried the wastes of souls underneath the Chapel. What I am telling you is that we practice the turning of our daily lives into prayers.

All of you should also bury your bad habits under the Blessed Mother, then the words of the Blessed Mother will be realized to you.  Many people turned away from the Blessed Mother of Na-Ju, because of the distorted declaration and TV program producer's note (PD NOTE) that was filled with malicious & groundless rumors.

They (many people) are currently people who are not blessed.  They cling to the Blessed Mother as they cling to and grab the life buoy when they receive sufferings only.  But after they received the graces that they were seeking, they turned away, because of face-saving in other's eyes just after the declaration and producer's note (PD NOTE's) broadcast. But, they did not know what they were doing, so, let us pray for them.

You who are now here, do not yield, against any kind of persecutions, because all of you fully understand the graces of Our Lord and the Blessed Mother.

  Who dares to discontinue their relationship with Our Lord?  Are not all of you living in the love of Our Lord and the Blessed Mother?

There is no one, am I right ?

 Exactly you are ….

He, devil can cause distress through men, but we can easily defeat the devil as long as we stay awake.

The day before the Blessed Mother was enshrined here, some pilgrims came from Daegu, and were staying up in the room where the statue was placed.  that whole night they were able to see and "watch over the Statue and see that She was truly weeping."  Then, weeping and at certain moments stop weeping " so they said "Oh, See what I mean "  Then they said that the Chapel must have some sort of equipment to make it pretend to  weep tears up until now, thinking and saying this but they stayed up the whole night anyway just to make sure that they were right

There was a man named Paul among them, who had cancer, he kept watching the Blessed Mother, then suddenly he saw scale like things on the eyes and came closer to the statue, one eye was filling with tears, later on he saw tears were trickling down.  So, he said  "Ah, This is real! and he was healed of cancer by accepting everything and repenting with his own tears.

All of you also will be healed today. Amen !

Lets go down to be more humble as the Blessed Mother is humble....

Our Lord and the Blessed Mother will be severely heartbroken if we make compromises, excuses and also tell lies to hide them.

If we become more and more like a simple child, not making pretexts but acknowledge our own faults, Our Lord and the Blessed Mother will be happy and embrace us with more love and heal us with the Holy Spirit by bestowing upon us the Light.

This is the love that we shelter (cover) the fault of the other side when they made a mistake. But, this will be the immense Love of Our Lord and the Blessed Mother when we give advice to others in order for them to live well when they make a mistake without knowing what they did.

If anyone makes a mistake, you just say Oh!, you're doing okay, then they won't recognize their mistake, furthermore you'll never be able to be humble, then eventually you could try to rule over others without being overbearing.

Dear fellow pilgrims,

Lets not rule over anyone.  In the beginning, they're not thinking about ruling over others, but when they became a person in charge of, or chief of, or become a volunteer helper, they naturally rule over others without themselves knowing it.

  Our Lord has taught us the principle of the charcoal briquette, that we become more lower and humbler like a charcoal briquette, which burns itself from the bottom upwards.

Guidance of Our Lord from the book of " The way of love to the Lord" are not for me only.  If you accept the words of Our Lord and practice the love, it will be realized to you.

"It is wrong if you think that the words are given to Julia Kim only".

When we forgive others, you just accommodate and say "Ah, Jesus loves me, this much"  then, you could overcome all your difficulties with love.

Most people in the world try to rule over others when they become the chief.  However, we, who are supposed to know Our Lord and the Blessed Mother, do not forget the principle of the charcoal briquette that burns itself from the bottom upwards, therefore becoming smaller and smaller.

All of you gathered here can go down and burn yourselves for others. Nothing is impossible with Our Lord and the Blessed Mother, so we do our best to make an effort, then our unsolved matters will be solved by Them.

Do not say to "Jesus, nothing is impossible with you, how come you give no healing grace to me? "

We have to be grateful no matter what kind of sufferings are NOT given to us, we also have to be grateful no matter what healing grace IS given to us.  We always give thanks but we are stingy about gratitude.  Also, we are stingy about practicing the love.

Lets become reborn with Love.  Love is not rude or selfish, Love is not jealous, it does not seek its own interest.  Love is not hot-tempered, but delights in the truth.   Let us be  reborn again with Love.


Did I tell you that if we are happy, Our Lord and the Blessed Mother will also be happy?

If we are sorrowful and cry, Our Lord and the Blessed Mother will cry in sorrow.  Then, what should we do ?

Yes, from now on, we should change our mind and actions positively with a smile.

If you have pains do not let them pass in vain, but offer them up graciously in order to accumulate the merit.

Because people complain, even about small pains like headaches, bruises, and scratches, the devils are laying traps of thorns, venom, and atrocities so that they can cut out the love between us and God.  We have to overcome these situations.

The difference between a life of offering up and a life of blame are like being above the ground, and beneath the sky.

For example, when you feel a headache, you wouldn't say "It's time to work, how am I going to work with so painful a headache? "  It's hard to bear it.  Instead, you'd say, " O, Jesus!  I will offer up this painful headache to Our Lord and the Blessed Mother to stitch up their Two Hearts that are  torn apart and for the conversion of sinners.  How happily Our Lord and the Blessed Mother will accumulate the merits of good deeds for you in heaven if you offer them up graciously even if you are groaning (Ah) in pain.

You can be groaning Ah Ah if it were too painful.  I am not talking about not even groaning, but I am saying that if you offer your sufferings with a heart of blame, you can convey your suffering to Our Lord.  But, if you offer it up graciously without any complaining this gives you a chance to stitch up the Hearts of Our Lord and the Blessed Mother that are torn apart.   These two cases are no different from whether above the ground, or beneath the sky.  Likewise, It would be the difference of the, above the ground, beneath the sky according to how we offer our sufferings either graciously or reproachfully.

If we have to suffer, offer it up graciously, then the merits of your good deeds will be accumulated in heaven.  Our Lord and the Blessed Mother taught us the way of offering up, we are able to defeat the devil which fills the sky and earth when we follow according to the will of Our Lord and the Blessed Mother, then the devils who are lurking in our hearts will run away.

By the way, the devils are filling in the sky and the earth and are using all kinds of schemes to cut us out from the love of God, therefore, do not be disappointed, but stay awake and pray.  The devil will come to us through our weak points when we are in a state of dejection, frustration, and disappointment.  Then eventually we will fall into a state of eternal frustration.

The frustration and disappointment do not came from Our Lord and the Blessed Mother, on the contrary, it comes from the devil, so do not join forces with the devil, but we will be born again with the love of Our Lord and the Blessed Mother.

Amen !

See you next prayer meeting on this Blessed Mother’s Mountain.

