Why does Our Lady weep?

Miracles in Naju

Meaning of
the signs in Naju

Basic questions 

Our Lady's war

Who is Julia Kim?

Julia's testimony

Julia's suffering
as a victim soul


  - Excerpts from Julia's testimony during the vigil -   

(September 1st, 2012 )

bullet03_glitter.gif  Praise be Jesus ! and Praise be the Blessed Mother !

On  September 1, 1994, Fr. Jerry Orbos celebrated mass at Naju parish church together with pilgrims from the Philippines.

During  meditation just after Holy communion,  I offered this prayer for all the children in the world, " O Lord ! The King of love, Our Savior !  You truly came to us by humbly lowering yourself and personally became the food to save all the people. Have mercy on us so that all your children will repent as soon as possible in order to be freed from the calamity of fire in store  for us." There are too many calamities and natural disasters are now happening in the world.

When I prayed and offered up this prayer for the prevention of such things, Jesus then radiated  light. At that very moment , the Eucharist turned into visible flesh and blood in my mouth, and I went into ecstasy right away. The Lord and the Blessed Mother then showed me the following scene.

 I saw that numerous people were on board several large ships which were sailing in the ocean. The ships were brightly and luxuriously decorated in different colors and had an image of the Red Dragon on the prow.  Large crowds of people in those ships were eating and  drinking, giving off  quite  a racket and noisily enjoying their physical pleasures.

 There was another small and shabby ship  which  had a large image of a dove at the head of the ship and a little behind it, two banners. The banner on the right had the image of the Eucharist and a chalice and the other on the left had a large "M" on it. Between the two banners was Our Mother of Mercy wearing a blue mantle. She was so beautiful and filled with love. She was guiding the ship.

 All on board were very happy and singing with the Blessed Mother. But some got blinded and fell into temptation when they looked at the people on the other ships who were eating delicious food , drinking and enjoying themselves.  They  momentarily entertained the thought, " I would like to go there and join  them and also eat those food ." Then the devils realized what they wanted and came close to them and put a ladder between the ships so they can cross over.

How could he put the ladder if we were sailing ? It wasn't possible. It is a spiritual matter. Anyway, some people scrambled and crossed over the ladder which was prepared by the devil.

Among those who went to the large ship,there were some Naju pilgrims.  Many of  them were personally raised from death  by Jesus and the Blessed Mother who have been appearing in Naju  for the last 27 years.

In contrast, all of you still remained and will remain with us until the end during this critical persecution. Thus let us go to heaven together.

By the way, the Blessed Mother implored those who were going to the other ship not to go. But they replied, "Why should we not go? They are calling us and put the ladder for us. Why should we  stay in this shabby place?  And they shook off Blessed Mother's hands  and left.

As you know many people choose the broad and easy way. But we are supposed to stay awake so we do not leave  the side of the Lord and the Blessed Mother. We must be the people who learned the way of reparation, sacrifice and prayer by the Blessed Mother.

 By abusing our free will, we will go in the way that leads to destruction. Those who crossed over the other ship  joined with the people there and started drinking and dancing.

Upon looking at them,the Blessed Mother was weeping silently, feeling  so sorry for them because they turned a deaf ear to her.

Some time passed. A big storm approached and the sky became dark. Soon, fireballs fell  from the sky.

Those who were on board large ships hit by the fireballs  were burning and screaming. They fell into the sea and drowned after some struggle. When they fell into the sea, the fire was extinguished, but right away they drowned as strong waves came over them.

On the other hand, the little souls on board the Blessed Mother's ship were all safe. he Blessed Mother promptly stretched out her mantle and covered them as soon as the fire came falling down. Because the Blessed Mother's mantle is greater that universe, they were all protected.

As soon as the fire started falling down, some of  those who crossed over the other ship  repented and said, " Ah, I am sorry, forgive me ! " Those who were in the water  and called on the Lord and asked the Blessed Mother's help and repented were hurriedly picked up  and placed on board the Blessed Mother's ship.

They were the people who got momentary blinded and fell into temptation but they found the Lord again and truly repented of  their faults.

As soon as the Blessed Mother finished saving all her children,  the  storm   stopped , the waves became calm and the sky became clear and blue again and a bright light shone upon everyone and sounds of  angels were heard singing," Ave, Ave, Ave Maria."

After the storm stopped and the ocean became calm, the ship sailed away. Let us follow the Blessed Mother  sailing all the way to heaven.

We may declare," I will follow only this way , the way of the Lord and the Blessed Mother who appeared in Naju and saved me."  But it's possible for us to still go the wrong way. When we find we are turning the  wrong way  in the middle of following the Lord and the Blessed Mother, it would be good for us if we repent right away without delay.

 Jesus said " The way to follow the Blessed Mother is the way to follow me." So we just follow the Blessed Mother as the sure way to heaven and it is guaranteed  that this is a short-cut which is safe and you never have to worry  about getting lost.

 Trust and have confidence. " How can my single prayer be useful ?" never say this. Do not forget the simple truth of Jeok-Wu-Chim-Ju,  or " Even feathers can sink a large ship if enough of them accumulate".

Let us take not only ourselves but also our family and neighbors on board Mary's Ark of Salvation and go to heaven together .

 What is the best medicine for healing  our souls and bodies ?   (Repentance! all  responded) Yes , It is....

We are able to see the world positively if we truly repent. But the world could be seen as dark as if we are wearing  dark sun-glasses  if we did not repent .(like  looking at the world with a jaundiced eye) .

It was 1995 ,the 10th anniversary of the Blessed Mother's first weeping when  John Joo who was living in Seoul came to Naju.  Six  years before he came to Naju. He had lung cancer and in spite of  surgery that cut out the affected area on the lower part of his right lung, three huge malignant tumors were found again after 6 months.

He was terminally ill and  was given only one month to maximum 6 months to live but he was completely healed of cancer on June 30th on his 4th visit.

 According to him, on his first visit to Naju on the first Saturday of June, 1995, he couldn't even sit  because of severe coughing and a lot of phlegm caused by the cancer and weak bronchial tube. The lung-cancer kept his condition worse.  He was able to sit on a bench for 40minutes just after meeting with Julia Kim. That was a miracle in  itself. Since that moment  he began to recover and was able to walk. This made him feel so happy and delighted. 

He exclaimed, " Lord, I don't have any more attachments and regrets in this world even if I die tomorrow." He was filled with an extreme joy and happiness that he did not know existed in this world.

Even if the happiness and joy he felt  disappeared just few days later, he didn't say, " how come ?"   Nay, he visited Naju again right away with faith. Thus, he received the grace and furthermore he has  received more whenever he came  to Naju..

On June 30th, he was standing outside because there were too many people inside  looking at the area where  the Blessed Mother was enshrined. He was then healed upon  witnessing the light which radiated in the form of a straight line from above the altar at about 3:45 am. This was followed by the miraculous descent of the Holy Eucharist

In addition, his bronchial tube, lung cancer, pains on the  sole of his foot , legs and waist were all healed. Also his energy returned, the darkness in his soul disappeared and he was filled with  joy and happiness.  He who had only one to 6 months of  remaining life span  due to lung cancer was completely healed.

Some are healed after several years of visits, some are healed only after a one time visit, but do not worry whether healing comes to you  on the spot or later on.

We, all of us just pray without ceasing , steadfastly wait in  faith and trust and strive to come closer to the Lord and the Blessed Mother through repentance.

Nothing is impossible  if it is God's will. When Jesus was  crucified on the Cross, He surely was able to lower himself down. But He died and rose in 3 days because there would be no resurrection without death. We are able to be resurrected if we graciously offer up all the  pains given to us.

 Dear fellow pilgrims !

We will  be saved while we enjoy Joy, love and peace, if we hold tightly the hands of the Blessed Mother  and completely offer up all the pains  given to us without any complaints.

Things in this world  pass in an instant, but the things in the next world are eternal. Because of Jesus love for  both our bodies and souls, by  graciously offering up the pains  that are given (destined) to us , we will accumulate treasures in  heaven. In contrast, the devil puts a trap with thorns and cruelty  when  numerous people in this world complain even of  headache, bruise, and scratches.

 No matter what sufferings we face, we should say,  " O, Lord ! Thank you. You love me so much you are giving me this grace. Dear Lord and  Blessed Mother,  receive my praise and glory."   But in other cases, they say, " Oh my ! this is too much for me Lord. You better take me if I had to bear this severe pain. " These two cases are really totally different (toto caelo different ).

Whether we go to God or crash to hell with the same sufferings are dependent on the way we offer them up or not. Everyone who are gathered here accept this but those  outside misunderstand. " What foolish things are they talking about ? " they will say if they hear what I'm saying. But, you are really one level higher than the others and your spirituality is now leading you to the way of sanctification.

Let us  not worry about them but make a new start by entrusting ourselves completely to the Lord and the Blessed Mother.  We have to strive with all our effort to the end  so we will succeed.  However, as we exert all our effort to the end,  we then entrust the remainder  to Jesus and the Blessed Mother and then stop worrying about the outcome.

Even though all of you who are following the Lord and the Blessed Mother will face violently raging waves that will threaten to sweep you away and no matter what natural disaster are going to take place , you will be saved.  

All of you are chosen as a good grain in order to enjoy eternal happiness in heaven on the last day. God will sustain you so you will never be shaken by any adversities. Cease worrying then  about any kinds of persecutions and  adversities and let us transcend them as we go forward courageously with the dignity of  persons who have been saved.

Amen !.       
