The excerpts from
Julia Kim’s Testimony
on Oct. 19, 2015
When we sublimate our sufferings and
crosses given to us into love, we can be happy.
Praise the Lord! Praise the Blessed Mother!

Julia Kim was seated when she was speaking due to her severe suffering
on Oct. 19, 2015
Mr. Peter Park, who is the head of planning department of the committee of the sodality of Mary's Ark of Salvation has explained the messages of the Blessed Mother of Naju well a while ago, Peter and his wife have made pilgrimage to Naju since he worked in Japan 27 years ago. Some people say “Many people used to visit the Blessed Mother of Naju, but there are not steady pilgrims.” But as all of you know, we have a lot of long steady pilgrims so far like them.
I have prayed to God the Father, Jesus, and the Blessed Mother for your sanctification but even most of the children whom have been called by the Lord and the Blessed Mother get distracted by even little things and become jealous of each other through prejudice, and judge others, to say
nothing of their failure to forgive others and practice the messages of love which the Lord and the Blessed Mother scream, even repeating the same words again and again. That made me so sad so I had my head shaved. This time was the third time.

“The Lord, I offer up these pains for the conversion of sinners
as number as hairs that I cut off.” (Oct. 1, 1988)
I've not been able to use my right hand freely because the ligaments of my wrist were torn partially. So it was very difficult for me to make my bangs curly. Then I prayed to Jesus, “Would you please make my bangs pretty at least?” Indeed, He made my bangs pretty and I was so grateful and attended the overnight prayer meetings three times with my pretty hair. But I decided to return my pretty bangs to the Lord as “offering up” for those who live their lives wrongly. So in front of several people, I had the very bangs cut first, then I told the people to come out, one by one and cut my hair in order to have them cut their ego, pride, envy, jealousy, and bad habits as well which were growing like poisonous mushrooms in them.
When they finished cutting my hairs(anno: her head became shaved), I told them to meditate on the meaning of the powder of Jesus'cloth that was stained with His Precious Blood and crushed into powder,and reflect 'How (big) my ego is that I had to be cut out like this.' with seeing my hair that they had cut.



The powdered piece of blood-stained cloth that Jesus gave to Julia on February 28, 2001, Ash Wednesday. (this is one of the 8 samples of the Precious Blood which were taken a DNA test on October 24, 2006.
* related messages -
Some of them cut my hair a little, carefully so I said, “Just cut as much as possible.” and the rest of them cut my hair by grabbing handful of my hair and I felt like my scalp was cut out. But the Lord‟s work is just so amazing.
This part (*Julia is indicating the part of her head) got hollow(sunken) as if my scalp had been cut, while that part was cut just a little, but my hair has grown since evenly. When we put into practice the words of Jesus with full understanding, we can likewise build a house on the rock as explained in Christ‟ Gospel.
In Matthew 7: 24-27, Jesus said, “Everyone then who hears these words of mine and does them will be like a wise man who built his house upon the rock; and the rain fell, and the rivers flooded over, and the winds blew hard against the house, but it did not fall, because it had been founded on the rock. And every one who hears these words of mine and does not obey them is like a foolish man who built his house upon the sand; and the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell; and great was the fall of it.” However, many people build on the sand.
In 1993, there was a nine-year old boy who lived in Incheon went to the hospital and was told that he has to go to the larger hospital. So his parents took him to Gangnam St. Mary's Hospital. The boy was diagnosed with brain cancer. The doctor said that he would die in 2 or 3 months‟ time and further said there was no way of curing him. And his parents took him to the large hospital as Seoul National University Hospital, and Yonsei University's Severance Hospital. The boy was similarly diagnosed with brain cancer as well. He became very skinny and weighed only 14 or 15 kg, and he could not walk normally.
The boy's father went to a seminary, but got married (without finishing its course) , and the boy got brain cancer when his father left the Catholic faith. One day, his father cried for several hours in front of the statue of the Blessed Mother in Gangnam St. Mary's Hospital, the boy who at the same time was getting 5 IV injections. And when he saw his father, he pulled out the injections and crawled to his father and said, “Dad, I'm okay.”
“Mama in white took me here!”

His father cried holding the son and said, “I will cure you.” But there was no way to cure him and he just kept crying and at that moment, a woman who was a total stranger approached and gave him a book saying, “Why don't you read this book?” He thought to himself, 'Reading a book in this situation? Is she insane?' and felt frustrated. But somehow he was curious and opened the book and it was the messages of Our Lady of Naju. Likewise we do not know when or how the Lord‟s Hand would come upon us.
Since the boy was supposed to die anyway, his father decided to take his younger son to the Blessed Mother's House of Naju and he carried his son on his shoulders on their way of the Blessed Mother's House from Naju Station. At that time, a lot of cancer patients also visited Our Lady of Naju and at the third day of their visit, it was too crowded. So the father and son moved to the lodging house and stayed there, and his wife and his elder son left Naju for Incheon.
The father fell asleep with his arm under his son's head and when he woke up around at eleven o'clock in the night, he found that his son disappeared who was not able to eat even porridge with his inability to walk normally. That night was very stormy and the wind was strong enough to blow the umbrella off. Since the boy cried when his mother left Naju, his father thought that he might go to the station to look for his mother, but when he went to the station, the boy was not there. He could not find his son and thought that he might die somewhere. Then he remembered the Blessed Mother's House and rushed there and found his son was murmuring in front of the statue of Our Lady of Naju.
Even the father got drenched to the skin in spite of using an umbrella, his son was not wet at all, so he asked his son, “Leo! How and when did you come here?” “Mama in white took me here a while ago.” At that time, Ms. Maria Jang who received the healing graces of the final stages of stomach cancer was also there, so his father asked her, “Whom my son came here with?” “Well, I don't know who took your son here, but I smelled strong fragrance of roses when he came in and he was saying “Bye-bye, Mama!”
The boy who was not able to walk and speak well changed into a totally different person and said, “Dad, why are you late?” And the father was so surprised to see his son, and called the parish priest who told him to take his son to Naju, and told him about his son. Then the priest said, “The Blessed Mother has touched your son.” At that time, the pilgrims used to stay night at the Chapel of the Blessed Mother's House. The father was tired from lack of sleep for a long time and was also exhausted searching for his missing son all night long, so he had a sound sleep with his son in his arms in front of the statue of the Blessed Mother.
When he woke up the next day, the sun was at high noon and his son disappeared again and he ran outside and found that his son vomited a lot of blood in front of the statue of Our Lady which was placed outside of the Chapel. The father washed the blood away before someone saw it. His son who was not able to eat even porridge said, “Dad, I want some chicken.” And the father thought himself, 'Ah, he is going to die soon. Okay, since you asked me to buy you some chicken, I will buy it for you even though you are not able to eat it.' Then the father bought his son one whole chicken and his son ate it in an instant, all by himself. And later, the boy got healed completely and two years later his weight was up to 54kg and he was strong enough to give his father a piggy ride when he(father) was drunk. If God sets His Heart into it, nothing is impossible.
Why does the Blessed Mother shed tears of blood?

There was a woman who was from Daegu and she was suffering from cancer which spread all her body. Doctors sent her home, so she came to the Blessed Mother's House of Naju. We let her stay at the backroom of the Chapel. Even though she had enough money to pay for a care giver, nobody took care of her when she suffered from shingles, which spread to her anus. Guess how painful she was. So I removed all the scabs of the rashes and applied with my special medicine (anno : Julia‟s body fluid which has miraculous healing grace, special personal gift from God), praying for her. Eventually she got healed of shingles, and accepted the Messages of the Blessed Mother and my words well.
She forgave everyone and prepared for her death asking others to forgive her. Now one thing I should say is that when and how we meet death is more important than physical healing; She accepted her death so well. One day she said that the Blessed Mother called her, so we took her in front of the statue of the Blessed Mother of Naju, then she closed her eyes and passed away in peace there. The time of her death was the Lord's grace for her because her husband who knew that she was going to die had been already living with another woman for 2years, but she converted and passed away in the state of grace not knowing of her husband's affair. (anno : If she knew, she might have committed sins of anger or unforgiveness and passed away in sins)
Everyone who has ever suffered shingles would know how it is painful to sleep when the blisters spread to the hips. But how blessed she was that she offered up her pains graciously and passed away peacefully in front of the Blessed Mother.
There was a humble professor from Daegu, but she could not forgive someone who tried to break her family, so she was filled with anger and outrage and even though she attended many churches and prayer meetings, she could not forgive that person. And then, someone introduced the Blessed Mother of Naju to her and when she visited Naju, forgave that person with the Five Spiritualities of Naju which inspired her so much. Our character can become disordered because of the wound we've got since we were in mother‟s womb. That's why we need the healing of the Lord.
Why does the Blessed Mother shed tears of blood? She has repeated her messages of love for us so that we may live good lives but we don't listen to her words and we are living our lives wrongly and it makes her eyes so painful and she sheds tears of blood. I have shed tears of blood three times and when once, the Blessed Mother shed tears of blood, I suffered from the pains in my eyes and my sight got worse but I offered it up praying with thanksgiving to the Lord so that many people may open their spiritual eyes.
It is very important to keep our original intentions to the end, but we don't see ourselves proud even though pride leads us to fall into the bottomless pit. In that case, we should read and meditate carefully on the messages of the Blessed Mother of Naju.
The graces are different each time when we read and meditate on the messages. Some people say, “I have already read the messages from cover to cover.” But reading the messages only once is not enough to know and practice it our lives.
It is not easy for us to arm ourselves with the Five Spiritualities of Naju and to turn our daily lives into prayers. But if we are fully armed only with turning our lives into prayers, at least, we could reach perfection by practicing humility all the time. It is so difficult to practice “It is my fault”, isn‟t it? It is too difficult to admit that everything is from “my faults” and blame ourselves only. But we could do it, only if we open our hearts. That's why Jesus and the Blessed Mother said to me, “Tell people about your family that you have taken care of.
Half-body paralysis that was incurable in the hospital was healed.
Before I knew God, I did not enjoy myself associating with many people, nor talking much with them, but I noticed that the life that I have lived since my childhood was the life of offering up, the spirituality of "It's My fault" and the spirituality of turning our daily lives into prayers led by the Lord and the Blessed Mother.
Even if it is not easy to live a life of offering up, if we arm ourselves with Five Spiritualities, we can do it.

Let me share one story of my life. My father in law did not like me and despised me a lot. He graduated from the Kyeong-seong University (Now, it is Seoul National University, the Best Top-position university in Korea)and also graduated from Waseda University in Japan, but as for me, I just finished middle school. That's why he ignored me even if his daughter in law(Julia) was pretty and worked well. My mother in law was more severe with me than father in law. However, it was the love of God that I want to say to all of you. We should feel it.
As those days were poor time, it's not easy for the majority of Korean people to rent even one room to live in.
but there was a self-made man who prepared the 3 houses in each of city, Seoul, Mokpo, Gwanju and proposed to me without any conditions of leasing to me and promised me luxury life. All my acquaintance urged me to marry him. However, I refused all candidates of good conditions to marry by saying "I prefer to be sold rather than to marry him only for reason of his properties". As I had no father(annotation : Julia's father passed away at her young age), I wish to have a father-in-law instead. That's why I chose Julio who had a father.
I took charge of education of my brothers-in-law with my own hands, and also tried my best to satisfy all the need of my mother-in-law. But when I felt I was so heavily burden, sometimes it occurred to me that 'it 'd be better for me to have married an orphan.' Now, however, I've come to work for Mama Mary, therefore Julio is my best husband.(He is a good helper for Mama Mary of Naju)
One day, An attack of paralysis seized my father in law. I took care of him with a heart of utmost earnestness and sincerity, then his Half-body paralysis that was incurable in the hospital was healed. Nevertheless, while helping him, I brought a bowl of “Sung-nyung” (Korean scorched-rice water-she cooked this with love and time on low heat) for him, saying "Please have this, father." He replied "Get out of here!" When he went out, I arranged his shoes neatly, then he said "Get out of my sight!", but I helped him take his cane, he said "Just please, get away from me!" but I followed him to the outside of the gate to see him off without being afraid, but with love, saying "father, have a pleasant time" then he said "go away!"
When he came back home, I greeted to him "how was today, father?" "get out of my sight!" I succumbed and answered, “Yes." He had continued doing that for years. How foolish I was if we see it through human eyes. But I never questioned myself, "Why does my father in law treat me like that?" It is love, isn't it?
We can arrive at glory only through sufferings.
The Lord doesn't allow us to suffer without reasons. One professor from Dae-gu said "If the person did not make me suffer, I would have not visited the Blessed Mother's House in Naju. How could I imagine that the person was my benefactor for me to grow spiritually?" It means that he accepted the sufferings as love.
That's why he agreed with my word "We can arrive at glory only through sufferings." He has kept coming to Naju until now since before the declaration of Gwangju 1998. Therefore, we have to feel that the Lord calls us through sufferings. Furthermore, when we make faults, and somebody asks "why did you do that?", we have to say "I am sorry or I was wrong". Instead, we tend to make excuse and justify our faults.
Then it does not mean "we go Heaven", but getting off the Mary's Ark of Salvation at the moment.
It is a childlike soul who admits his faults simply and tries his best not to do wrong again. Dear pilgrims! you can understand as you also have brought up your children. Even though Jesus loves all of us, He loves those children more who listen to Him well.
We should offer up graciously everything without missing even trivial things. While having headache, we should not say, "why I have such a pain on the head like this ? Why didn't Jesus
heal me?" Instead, we should say, "Jesus, now I have a severe headache like this, but how much more pain you must be undergoing while wearing the crown of thorns! I offer up this pain in reparation for the sins I have committed so far." Even if they have the same headaches, how we offer up makes results as different as the earth and sky.
Dear pilgrims! Today let us be forgiven all sins we have committed. (Amen!) Let us forgive those who we couldn't forgive, Then how much happy Jesus and the Blessed Mother would be!
On Oct 19, 2001, I saw a vision that numerous people who were deceived by the devils were struggling to go higher with all their strength, ignoring even their parents and brothers and sisters, trampling them in order to save their own lives. While looking at this terrible scene, I began earnestly asking the Lord to grant them grace.
Perform miracles of love by using us as instruments, despite our unworthiness !
At that time, Jesus and the Blessed Mother appeared to me (annotation: Her vision is different from the meaning of "vision", She sees Jesus and the Blessed Mother face to face in reality). He said "there is nothing that can be done, as human beings have been given free will." As I continued begging, the Lord sent down upon people the light of mercy as well as the Precious Blood and the Blessed Mother shedding tears of blood for them.
To those who were repenting their sins, the light of Mercy and drops of the Precious Blood were permeated. (Amen!) However, from those who were not accepting the Lord and the Blessed Mother, the light of love and drops of the Blood from the Lord and the Blessed Mother were returning back to the Lord and the Blessed Mother. Accordingly I am sure that we all also receive Our Lord's Precious Blood even if it is not visible. So, let us wash away our soul and body with Our Lord's Precious Blood and make a new start from today!
Let us lay down all the faults we have made to the Lord and the Blessed Mother and take (spiritually) those whom we can't forgive (to the Lord and the Blessed Mother) so that we can forgive them. Entrust everything to the Lord. Let's ask, knock and seek the Lord.

Jesus! As Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed despite the fervent wish by Abraham, because there were not even ten just people. But Lord! here are little souls! Please perform miracles of love by using us as instruments, despite our unworthiness! And bless their family members and their job as well. Have mercy on us so that we can arm ourselves with Five spiritualities in the love of the Blessed Mother.
We commit sins with our tongues which are not less than 3 inches. Bless our tongues not to judge others but to praise and make known Jesus and the Blessed Mother. Therefore let us give glory to the Lord, consolation to the Blessed Mother and unceasing thanksgiving which is never dried up to Them. Amen!


Individule Meeting with Julia Kim (Oct 19, 2015)
Click : Excerpts from Julia Kim’s Testimony on October 19, 2015 (pdf)