Why does Our Lady weep?

Miracles in Naju

Meaning of
the signs in Naju

Basic questions 

Our Lady's war

Who is Julia Kim?

Julia's Personal Testimony

Julia Kim's Inspiring
Spiritual Message

Julia's obedience

Five Spiritualities
of Naju

Julia's suffering
as a victim soul

Julia's spiritual dairy

House of love


The Way of Love for the Lord
(Julia Kim's intimate Conversations with Our Lord by His Guidance)

Chapter 11. The two days when I couldn’t receive the Holy Eucharist (May 1, 1981)


I had attended Mass every day even before being baptized. So whenever I received the Holy Eucharist after my baptism, I couldn’t help but feel so happy.

I also attended Mass even after that incident, but I couldn’t possibly receive Holy Communion as I couldn’t forgive my mother-in-law, so my anxious heart felt like it was burning vigorously.

Since I was not able to receive Holy Communion for two consecutive days, I became so spiritually hungry and couldn’t bear it. Never before had I imagined that it could be so painful like this not to receive the Holy Eucharist.

Then I implored the Lord earnestly. “Jesus, I couldn’t receive the Holy Eucharist because I couldn’t forgive and reconcile with my mother-in-law. But after receiving the sacrament of reconciliation, I will receive you. Please forgive me, will you?” I first took a bath before going to confession in order to be clean inside and out, and went to the Naju parish church, but unfortunately, the pastor was not there.

As I couldn’t put up with this spiritual thirst, I went to Songjeongri close to Naju in order to go to confession in another parish church. There were two parish churches in Songjeongri. I visited them both, but as it happened, the pastors were away. I had no choice but to go to Gwangju for confession and took a bus leaving for Gwangju.

With my heart full of a desire to receive Holy Communion after confession whatever might happen that day, I implored the Lord to give me the grace of forgiveness, praying the rosary ceaselessly.


Julia  givng miraculous water to her mother.

Julia and her Mother - Maria Hong.