Reviews of 
the declaration

To safeguard
the Catholic Faith

Doctrinal errors
in the declaration

Our Declaration

About the threat of excommunication.
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St. Thomas Aquinas
on Eucharistic

Responses to 
the declaration

Church dogmas
on the Eucharist

The Holy Eucharst
is The Whole Christ

In Italy in 2001

Bishop Roman Danylak's letter

October 19, 2005



Letter from Bishop Roman Danylak to Mrs. Cecilia Pohl in Germany

November 16, 2001

Dear Madame Pohl,

I thank you for your kind letter of concern with the way events are unfolding around the messages and miraculous signs from Our Lord and Our Lady through Julia Kim. I have been away from Rome these past seven months. I had returned to Canada for medical reasons, and it is only last Sunday that I returned to the Eternal City.

Your concerns are shared by many in the Catholic Church, first those in their native Korea, and around the entire globe from the Far East and through the Americas. We know the reasons for this, the progressive liberal attitude of the younger Korean clergy that are dictating church policy to their bishops. This is a crisis that is pervading the entire Catholic Church, and not only the issues of Julia Kim and other visionaries, but addresses the issues of our Catholic Faith and the Christian life, especially the life of the family and the education of children. The crisis began during Vatican Council II, and infected all the ranks of society; especially in the technologically advanced countries of Western Europe, the Americas and the Far East. It is taking on frightening proportions. Our Lord forewarned us of this in the Gospel. Who knows when the Son of Man returns, will he still find faith? The faith is being rejected even by those who continue to call themselves Catholic.

This is why Our Lord is now entering into the affairs of men. An awesome sign is the disaster of September 11. As the Lord admonished through some of His messengers: this is the beginning of the chastisement of the world for the sins of abortion and the many others against life. Jesus did not blow up the towers. He is a God of life, not of death. And at the very beginning God gave us His commandment “Do not kill.?But as we learn from the Old Testament and from history, He is present in the affairs of men, and uses even the folly of men to chastise and purify.

The Holy Father and the Vatican are very much aware of the world situation in the Catholic Church; and the Holy Father knew of the miracle with Julia Kim of which he himself was a witness, even though the Vatican and the Holy Father dissimulated about their knowledge of the Eucharistic miracle for several years.

As Mary's Touch informs us, the Holy Father addressed the issue of the Naju miracles directly with Korean bishops in March 2001 during their quinquennial visit to Rome? The latest now is that he and Cardinal Ratzinger are becoming more directly involved in this issue, for they realize its importance as a voice of Heaven. The new archbishop of Kwangju is continuing to submit to the pressures of his priests. It appears that the Vatican will now take a more direct stance.

Secondly, in the past few months knowledge of these miracles has become publicly acclaimed in Rome and Italy, and also in Mexico and Guadalupe. And in Canada and the U.S.A.there is a lively interest growing, notwithstanding the reticence of the local bishops. No one can continue to hide or to dissimulate about the voice of Heaven. There is no need for you to organize intervention with the Holy See, because it is fully appraised of the situation, and is now beginning to act.

What we must continue to do is to make these miracles and messages, given through Julia, more known throughout the world. You can now speak more boldly of it, because the Holy Father has finally acknowledged the miracles. And more importantly we must firmly believe that heaven is involved and will not allow even priests and bishops to frustrate the work of our Lord and the Blessed Mother.

Please accept my sincerest thanks for your devotion to the truth about Naju and its miracles and messages.

I remain,

Respectfully yours in the Lord and the Blessed Mother

Roman Danylak