It is not too late yet. Come to My Bosom of Love in a hurry.
I am the Transfuser Who washes away your dirty sins.
I, Who am present in the Mystery of the Holy Eucharist, am a spring that never
dries, a medicine that can save the sick souls, and a doctor to the patient.
I am really alive and breathing in the Eucharist and am present in It with My Body,
Blood, Soul and Divinity.
I have come down to this world in order to call the sinners rather than the just.
When you open your heart widely and return to Me, I will not question your past,
but will bestow the cup of blessing on you.
Turn your life into prayers, which will become pliers that pull out thorns and nails which have been driven deeply
into My Sacred Heart and that of My Mother and also become needles that mend the
Sacred Hearts and the garment that have been torn apart.
The shortcut to arriving at sanctity and achieving unity is to turn your life
into prayers.
The greatest treasure in My Church is My Mother Mary who is most holy.
Following My Mother is the perfect shortcut to me with no danger of slipping.
There has never been a saint who has not followed My Mother Mary.
Make haste in repenting and get on board Mary's Ark of Salvation.
My Mother is the Heavenly Prophetess and My Helper who will
lead you to My brilliant and glorious revelations.
When you come to Me always through My Mother Mary, you will receive the light
of blessing.
My Mother Mary is the shortcut to Me, a shining dawn of My renewed Church, and
the ark of a new covenant.