Why does Our Lady weep?

Miracles in Naju

Meaning of
the signs in Naju

Basic questions 

Our Lady's war

Who is Julia Kim?

Julia's Personal Testimony

Julia Kim's Inspiring
Spiritual Message

Julia's obedience

Five Spiritualities
of Naju

Julia's suffering
as a victim soul

Julia's spiritual dairy

House of love


The Way of Love for the Lord
(Julia Kim's intimate Conversations with Our Lord by His Guidance)

Chapter  37. A woman with a heart disease and discharge of blood
                     (April 28, 1982)


   When I was busy doing a customer’s hair, a woman belonging to my parish church visited me. Her face was pale and her lips were blue. Her husband was a vice-principal at a school and they were working for the church very diligently. She looked so downcast sitting in a chair that I decided to bring her to a room to have a talk with her, leaving my work to the hairdressers hired by me. Her high school student daughter had died.

Adding to her misfortune, she had been diagnosed with a heart disease and discharge of blood. When she told me about it, she was very tearful, adding that despite many hospital treatments, her blood discharge would not stop. After listening to her, I told her about the love of the Lord and prayed for her.

   A few days later, she came to me again. This time, her pale face and blue lips were unseen. She looked very healthy and was filled with joy. As soon as she began talking about the healing that she had received through my prayer, I immediately took her out of the beauty parlor to the street. She was bewildered for a little while, but soon turned excited again with joy. “Julia, I was healed of all my diseases on that day.” I said to her, “Please, never tell anybody that you were healed through my prayer.” “Why?” She asked me with a look showing that she could not understand me.

I began to explain the reason. “I prayed for you, but the Lord made use of me just for a little while. So, it is not I but the Lord who healed you. Please do not tell anybody that you were healed through my prayer but keep this a secret. Do give your deep thanks to the Lord for your healing.” Until then, I had refused to pray for someone by myself except for an urgent case, because I did not want people to say ’I was healed by Julia’s prayer’ as in this case.

   The Lord heals the sick by using me as His instrument just for a little while. Every time I hear people say ’I was healed through Julia’s prayer’, I feel much pain in my heart. I ask people not to say like that. It is not because my heart aches but because I think that the Lord alone deserves all gratitude, glory and praise.

   Several years after that, she came to the Blessed Mother’s House and asked to see me, saying that she had something to confess to me. “I came here to ask for your forgiveness. I told you that I would keep my promise, but I didn’t. People said that you fabricated the tears of blood from the Blessed Mother’s statue by plastering it with ketchup. I was so upset that I told them I had been healed through your prayer. So, forgive me for not keeping my promise, will you?”

   She was a woman of high self-esteem, always so argumentative and stubborn that it was not easy to get along with her. But on this day, I was amazed to find that she had already become as simple and innocent as a lamb.

   “I think that the Lord already forgave you and that He will love you more, because He is pleased with your good heart. How can I not forgive you, when you are like a little child? I am going to pray that your home may always be blessed with peace and love from the Lord and the Blessed Mother.”

   “I knew you would forgive me.” She said, breathing a sigh of relief.

   “I don’t think what you did is a cause for you to seek forgiveness. On the contrary, I think you will receive a reward for it because you did it for the sake of the Lord and the Blessed Mother.” Hearing my words, she was filled with joy and replied with Amen.

   “O my Lord! Thank You for transforming this woman who was so fussy into a docile lamb. The love of the Lord who did not mind making any sacrifice for the salvation of humanity is filling the whole sky and all the lands. So we are grateful to You for correcting all our faults and filling us with Your love.”

   “Yes, My lovely daughter! You have already supplied nourishment to numerous souls for the sake of My glory. It was also supplied to her, thereby making her soul pure, because she accepted your words with Amen.”