Fragrant oil that Our Lady shed on the Blessed Mother's mountain in Naju (2007)



Feb 3, 2007

Apr. 6, 2007(Holy Thusday,Triduum)

Apr. 6, 2007 (Holy Thusday during Triduum)

Apr. 6, 2007(Holy Thusday duringTriduum)

Aug. 15, 2007

Oct. 3, 2007

Oct. 3, 2007

Oct. 3, 2007

Oct. 3, 2007

Oct. 3, 2007

Oct.19, 2007

Dec. 1, 2007



The fragrance and oil that I give
to all are gifts from God.

They represent my presence, love and friendship for you.

The Blessed Mother,  April 8, 1993)

