What is the meaning of the miraculous descents of
    the Lord's Precious Blood in Naju?

His Paschal mystery is a real event that occurred in our history, but it is unique: all other historical events happen once, and then they pass away, swallowed up in the past. The Paschal mystery of Christ, by contrast, cannot remain only in the past, because by his death he destroyed death, and all that Christ is - all that he did and suffered for all men - participates in the divine eternity, and so transcends all times while being made present in them all. The event of the Cross and Resurrection abides and draws everything toward life. (Catechism of the Catholic Church #1085)

Ever since 1980 when Julia was rescued by the Lord from the danger of death caused by her terminal colon cancer and embraced the Catholic Faith (which was five years before the Blessed Mother's first weeping through her statue), it has been repeatedly made clear through the messages and signs in Naju that the Paschal Mystery of Our Lord's Passion and Resurrection along with Our Lady's close association with this Mystery is an ever-present reality.

For this reason, we need to always be aware of the continuing reality of Our Lord's miserable bleeding and Our Lady's weeping tears of blood because of our many sins, indifference, and pride and also need to realize that the miraculous signs of the Precious Blood and tears of blood in Naju are not an exaggeration for the purpose of increasing the educational effects or phenomena that only correspond to what can be seen in visions but are the signs that point to the true reality that is always with us. Especially, in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, even though Our Lord's suffering and resurrection are not externally visible, the Eucharist, which is truly the Lord Himself, is offered up as a sacrifice in atonement for our sins and we also unite ourselves with the Lord's Passion and Resurrection especially through Holy Communion.

The Mass is the same as the Lord's Sacrifice on Golgotha and His Resurrection two thousand years ago as a true and perpetual re-presentation of this Paschal Mystery. So, whenever we are at Mass, we should be aware that we are truly with the Lord being sacrificed on the Cross, with the Blessed Mother, who combines her own immense sufferings with Her Son's and offers them up to God the Father as the Associate to the Savior, and also with all the Saints and Angels who also participate in the celebration of this Mystery. In addition to the Mass, the Lord is present and at work in all other Sacraments of the Church for the purpose of forgiving our sins and giving us the graces that we need.

The miraculous descents of the Lord's Precious Blood and all other miracles and messages in Naju are God's own testimonies intended to deepen our appreciation of God's work of human salvation that is always with us as a true, living reality and make us more zealous in participating in it. 

   Watch now (Click) - The Signs of Love from the Lord and the Blessed Mother of Naju

Nov 9, 2001

Our Lord shed His Precious Blood on the Way of the Cross Blessed Mother's mountain in Naju from the 3rd Station to the 15th Station (the Station for Resurrection).

Jan 18, 2002 (#1)

Our Lord shed His Precious Blood on Jan 18, 2002, from the 7th Station to the 13th Station.

Jan 18, 2002 (#2)

Our Lord shed His Precious Blood again at about 5:20 p.m.

Jan 27, 2002

The Lord's Precious Blood came down for the third time at about 10 a.m. on Jan 27, 2002 at the 11th Station on the Way of the Cross.

Jun 11, 2002

During the Mass celebrated by Bishop Dominic Su on Aug 24, 1995 and by Bishop Roman Danylak on Sep 22, 1995, the Eucharist Julia received turned into visible Flesh and Blood. At the exact same place where the Eucharistic miracles had taken place, Jesus shed His Precious Blood on Jun 11, 2002.

Jul 9, 2002

Jesus and the Blessed Mother shed tears, bloody tears, and eventually tears of  blood and bloody sweat. These tears of blood and bloody sweat were falling down  on Julia's face and her clothes

Aug 5, 2002

Jesus opened His Sacred Heart and poured out His Precious Blood between the 10th and the 11th Station on Aug 5, 2002.

Aug 15, 2002

On Aug 15, 2002, at about 10:10 a.m., Jesus opened His Sacred Heart and poured down His Precious Blood.

Feb 8, 2003

His Precious Blood came down on the table in Julia's whereabouts.

Feb 16, 2003

 Our Lord shed Precious Blood on Julia's face

  Jun 30,
    - Aug 15
, 2005

  Precious  Blood  that  came  down  on  20th  Aniversary  of  the  Blessed   Mother's  first  weeping  tears  and  on  the  Solemnity  of  the  Assumtion of  the   Blessed  Virgin  Mary  for  pilgrims

   Jul 1,
   - Jul 8, 2006


Precous Blood came down on many pilgrims on the Blessed Moter's Mountain


  Aug 15, 2006

  His Precious Blood , the tears of blood in the Blessed Mother's statue in Naju.   Streams of the water of mercy.  Fragant oil and milk on the water of graces.

  Sep 2, 2006

  Precous Blood , colorful fragant oil  on the water of   graces. Fragant oil   turned   into milk, streams of the water of  mercy.

  Oct 1, 2006

  Precious Blood that came down in the chapel of  the Blessed  Mother's House.

  Oct 13, 2006

Precious Blood descended on Julia's bed.

  Oct 14, 2006

Precious Blood came down again on Julia's bed and test of  blood.

  Oct 19, 2006#1

Test on the Precious Blood collected with a syringe, while the bishop, the monsignol, priests, and a doctor were watching.

  Oct 19, 2006#2

The Precious Blood flowed down from the Crucifix at Mt. Calvary  on the Blessed Mother's Mountain.

  Nov 1, 2006

Result of the DNA test on His Precious Blood that oozed out from the Holy Eucharist , came down on Julia's bed and in the Holy Mountain.

2007. 10. 3

The Precious Blood of Our Lord came down  at the 9th Station on the Way of the Cross on the Blessed Mother's Mountain.


2008. 7. 4

The Precious Blood of Our Lord came down on the floor very near the Crucifix of  the Chapel.


2009. 6. 30-7.2

The Precious Blood of Our Lord,collected on the Way of the Cross and the result of its blood test.


2009. 6. 30

The Precious Blood of Our Lord came down on the floor, on the rocks at Mt.Calvary and on Julia's cloth.


2009. 10. 8

On October 8th, 2009, the Precious Blood of Our Lord came down on the way of the Cross.


2009. 10. 19

The Precious Blood of Jesus ,the Fragrant Oil and a Stream of water of Mercy came down during the 23rd anniversary of Our Lady's first weeping tears in Naju.

2010.   9. 3

The Precious of Our Lord came down on the road near the Mt.Calvary while German pilgrims were walking down after the Stations of the Cross.