The Signs that occurred on the Solominity of Annunciation of Our Lord

Jula Kim, Priests, Sisters and pilgrims are witnessing the Blessed Mother's weeping.




The fragrant oil and  the Mother milk came down on the acrylic box while Julia Kim   and Priests consecrating the religious articles.



Father Francis Su witnessing the Mother's milk on the acrylic box where the Descent of the Eucharist.


The fresh  blood spots on the handkerchief and her forehead just after Julia wiped sweat off on her face at 12th Station of the Cross at the Blessed Mother's House


My beloved clergy, religious, and all the children who have been called and responded with Amen!  Now, as you, who have been called for the smooth accomplishment of my Plan, have courageously become the apostles of the Sacred Hearts in constant unity with my little soul, and remain in my Immaculate Heart, no one will be able to violate you.  Also as I will let you wear the garments of all virtues, your every movement will be led by my fragrance and you will be living as the souls of little persons

When you spread my messages of love, which I gave you shedding tears and tears of blood and exuding the fragrant oil by squeezing my whole body in order to wash away the dirty stains from the children of the whole world, you will experience pains, but I will lead you, who have been called from all over the world, to a lofty sanctity so that you may throw off the mask of errors with your mouth as with a double-edged sword, spread the truth, and give off the fragrance of Christ.  

(Messages of love form the Blessed Mother on December 8 2010)


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