The signs of fragrant oil in Naju. (2012)

bullet03_glitter.gif March 2nd,2012 bullet03_glitter.gif

The Statue of the Blessed Mother shedding tears and exuding Fragrant Oil(Mar.3, 2012)

Fragrant Oil descended on the floor of the Chapel.

Fragrant Oil descended on the floor of the Chapel.

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Copious Fragrant Oil came down on the floor of the Chapel.

The Fragrant Oil that came down on the Adoration Dome.

Julia said that the Blessed Mother praying with her hands joined together and shedding tears at the Adoration Dome. She came as Our Lady of Naju, but, instead of the blue mantle, she was wearing a white dress and a white mantle.

The miraculous water, in the basin, squirting up and raised spray.

The Fragrant Oil floating on the water.

The Fragrant Oil flowed down onto the stone and gravel under the feet of Jesus at Mt.Calvary.

What is the Last Supper? It is a feast of love and sharing. In order to give the totality of my love, which is so high, deep and wide, to my beloved Pope, Cardinals, Bishops, priests, religious and all my children in the world together with my Son Jesus, I am squeezing all of myself and giving you fragrance and oil. The fragrance and oil that I give to all are gifts from God. They represent my presence, love and friendship for you.(Message from the Blessed Mother on April 8th,1993)

The Blessed Mother giving us Fragrant Oil by squeezing Her whole body on Maundy Thursday.

Golden-color Fragrant Oil.

The Mass of the Last Supper

Washing of feet

I make a special request to all priests. Imitate Jesus, the Teacher, Who sacrificed all of Himself, and give all the children in the world the Love He showed to the disciples at the Last Supper. Do not look to the world, but to Jesus Who suffered the agony of death on the Cross. Then, you will become faithful priests.(Message form the Blessed Mother on April 8th, 1993)

Fragrant oil exuding from Julia’s head

Golden color Fragrant Oil flowing out from Julia's head.

Julia Kim's scarf wetted with Fragrant Oil.

During the Palm Sunday Mass (April 1, 2012), when the part of the Gospels describing Our Lord’s Passion was read, I remembered the enormous pains that Jesus and the Blessed Mother must have suffered in Their Hearts when Judas betrayed Jesus and when even Peter, who had vowed not to deny the Lord even if he should have to die, denied Him three times.

While meditating on the extreme pains that Jesus and the Blessed Mother were suffering, I also suffered participating in Their pains. In this age, even some of those who are working to make Jesus and the Blessed Mother known to others and have been known to be very close to Them are recklessly brandishing the swords of betrayal against Jesus and the Blessed Mother.

The Blessed Mother was shedding not only tears but also tears of blood and asked me if I could suffer more pains for the repentance and sanctification of the clergy. I answered that I would gladly suffer more pains.

During the same Mass, I fell down forcefully. The Blessed Mother showed me the current condition of the world and said, “If the clergy and religious do not wake up, (a terrible event) will occur that will make the whole world shake with fear. I hope that the sounds of your prayers will soar to heaven and things that would make us tremble with fear will not occur.

It was Palm Sunday (April 1, 2012) when the Blessed Mother said that and, this morning (April 5, 2012, Holy Thursday), I saw the Blessed Mother praying with her hands joined together and shedding tears at the place on the Blessed Mother’s Mountain where many little rocks stained with the Precious Blood of Our Lord are being preserved. She came as Our Lady of Naju, but, instead of the blue mantle, she was wearing a white dress and a white mantle. The condition of the world has deteriorated to the extent that God has no option but to send down the chastisement. Nevertheless, the Blessed Mother said ardently, very ardently, to us, “At least you who know me, at least you who are on board the Ark of Mary’s Salvation, should remain awake and pray for the repentance and spiritual sanctification of the clergy. (The above is excerpts from Julia kim's testimony during Holy Thursday prayer meeting on April 5th,2012)

The Blessed Mother says Sons and daughters who have been called because you are so dearly loved! This Mother, who is the Mediatrix of Graces and the Co-Redemptrix, will transform you through the little soul whom I have chosen. So, do not fear but settle down. on May 19th ,1995 and saying many times that helping little soul is the way to help Her,the Blessed Mother.

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The Statue of the Blessed Mother of Naju exuding the Fragrant Oil by squeezing Her whole body (June 30th,2012)

The Fragrant Oil that came down on the acrylic box that was a very site of the descent of Holy Eucharist on August 27th,1997.

And also came down on the wall of the altar and onto the floor of the chapel.

The Fragrant Oil floating on the surface of the miraculous water.

bullet03_glitter.gif July 2nd,2012 bullet03_glitter.gif

The Fragrant Oil that came down on the floor of the chapel

The Fragrant Oil on the Naju Water of Graces.

bullet03_glitter.gif July 2nd,2012 bullet03_glitter.gif

The Fragrant Oil came down on the floor of the Chapel.

The colorful Fragrant Oil floating on the surface of the Naju Water of Grace were moving itself.

bullet03_glitter.gif September 1st,2012 bullet03_glitter.gif

The Fragrant Oil came down on the stones on the Way of the Cross.

Wishing to wash away the dirty stains from the sinners for their conversion, I bless them with My most sublime and pure Love, with which I have opened my Sacred Heart and poured out My Blood and Water to the last drop, and with My Mother's Love.” (Message fromJesus on August 15th,2007)

The Fragrant Oil that was floating on the surface of the water in the basin.


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Fragrant oil also descended on the small rocks on the Blessed Mother’s Mountain in Naju (Oct. 6, 2012)

This hand is wet with Fragrant Oil after it touched the rocks on the Mountain

The Fragrant Oil that came down inside the Adoration Dome

A stream of water of Mercy came down on the area of foot of the Statue at Mt.Calvary.

The Fragrant Oil came down on Julia, the scent of each marks were all different.

" Consecrate yourselves to my Immaculate Heart; pray the rosary sincerely and fervently, contemplating on its Mysteries; accept everything with complete trust, humility and meekness; and live as a little person in my burning Immaculate Heart." (Messsage from the Blessed Mother on Feb 6,1993)

bullet03_glitter.gif October 19th,2012 bullet03_glitter.gif

In commemoration of 26th anniversary of first weeping tears of blood, His Excellency Bishop Dominic Su, His Exccellency Bishop James Chan and Father Tay with 33 pilgrims from Malaysia, Singapore and Mauritus. Father Andreas and his 11 companions from Indonesia, 31 pilgrims from Philippines, 3 from France and Belgium and 5 from America,and others were attended.

For the Stations of the Cross, two bishops from Malaysia and 2 foreign priests and their companions carried the Cross by turns from begining to the end.

The procession of Our Lady of Naju on the Ark,carried into the Vynil Chapel.

About 100 foreign pilgrims were presented at the vigil.

A letter to the Blesesed Mother of Naju

The Fragrant Oil came down on the acrylic box where very site of the Descent of the Eucharist.

The Fragrant Oil on the box was transformed into Mother's Milk.

The Fragrant Oil came down on Julia's Jumper was scent giving off ,but seems to be like sweet-candy flavor unsually, while she was praying for the preparation of the first Saturday prayer meeting on the Blessed Mother's Mountain..

The Fragrant Oil came down at the 10th Station

The Fragrant Oil came down at the 10th Station.


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