Mother's milk came down - 2011





Blessed Mother's milk came down on the dome of the Adoration Chapel on the Blessed Mother's mountain on Feburary 12,2011



On April 20, the Mass con-cerebrated by 6 Priests at the Blessed Mother's House.


On the Acrylic box where the Decent of Holy Eucharist in 1997 were wetted with  copious Mother's milk on Holy Thursday. 


The Fragrant oil and Mother's milk came down on the area just before the the Blessed Mother's statue enshrined.The Mother's milk were seen as if It were floating on the fragrant oil.


 Mother's milk came down on the transparent dome of the Adoration Chapel in the mountain.


The fragrant oil and Mother's milk came down on the clothes of priests and volunteer helpers.

bullet03_glitter.gif June 30th thru July 2nd,2011 bullet03_glitter.gif

 On this commemoration of the 26th anniversary of Blessed Mother's shedding of tears. As She came to us by shedding tears, the Lord and the Blessed Mother gave us fragrant oil in the Chapel specially. Also, fragrant oil came down on the area of the Crucifix at Mt Calvary and the more fragrant oil and stream of mercy came down on the acrylic Dome of the Adoration Chapel on the Blessed Mother's mountain. In addition, abundant Mother's milk poured down on the wall of the Adoration Chapel.These are meant to nurture the children who are rushing to be with Our Blessed Mother.

Mother's milk poured down on the wall of the Adoration chapel.


bullet03_glitter.gif September 3rd,2011 bullet03_glitter.gif

Mother's milk came down on the wall of the acrylic dome in the Adoration Chapel
on the Blessed Mother's Mountain.


bullet03_glitter.gif October 19th,2011 bullet03_glitter.gif

Pilgrims from Kenya astonished by looking at the light radiating from the risen Jesus

Jesus gave them His precious blood while they praying by touching the feet of Jesus at Mt.Calvary,Lucy was healed of cardiac disease and Paul,who has been suffered by arthritis for about 10 years was healed.He was so happy because of his little hope was to pray in knelling down,but he is now able to kneel and pray.

My beloved children! I will let the light, love and grace from my Immaculate Heart overflow in all of you who came despite the long distance, seeking me, who has been imploring (you) with tears.” (Message from the Blessed Mother on June 30,1997)

Mother's milk came down on the transparent box where the descent of Eucharist.

Mother's milk also came down on the wooden frame


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