The sings of fragrant oil in Naju. (2009)

Golden color fragrant oil exuded from her neck and the back of her head. (Jan.1, 2009

Golden color fragrant oil exuded from her neck and the back of her head. (Jan.1, 2009)

Golden color fragrant oil exuded from her neck and the back of her head.   
(Jan.1, 2009)

The gauze stained with the golden color fragrant oil from Julia's body.(Jan.1, 2009)


Golden color fragrant oil exuded from her neck and the back of her head. (Feb. 7, 2009)

   Golden-color fragrant oil came down on during the retreat of the youth. (February 18, 2009)

   Golden-color fragrant oil came down on during the retreat of the youth. (February 18, 2009)

  Golden-color fragrant oil came down on during the retreat of the youth. (February 18, 2009)

 Fragrant oil came down on the Way of the Cross in he Blessed Mother's Mountain.(Marcj 7, 2009)

 Fragrant oil came down on the stais of the altar for the Blessed Mother
in  the Chapel. (March 7, 2009)

 Fragrant oil came down on the stais of the altar for the Blessed Mother in  the Chapel. (March 7, 2009)

 Fragrant oil came down on the stais of the altar for the Blessed Mother
in  the Chapel. (March 7, 2009)

Golden color fragrant oil came down on a pilgrim's shirt(May 16, 2009)

 Golden color fragrant oil came down on the floor of the Chapel. (May 16, 2009)

Fragrant oil  came down on the rocks undeo the Crucifix on the Hill of Calvary.

Fragrant oil  came down the postulants to the Society of the Prayer
of Life (Sep. 5, 2009)


 Golden- color fragrant oil came down on the rock and acrylic dome above the area on the Blessed Mother’s
Mountain in Naju where the little rocks stained with the Precious Blood are preserved.(Oct. 19, 2009)

 Golden- color fragrant oil came down on the Blessed Mother's picture
in the Vinyl -tented temple on the Blessed Mother's Mountain.(Oct. 19, 2009)



 During the rosary prayer, the Bishop and priests witnessed the fragrant oil that
came down on Julia’s skirt.(Oct. 19, 2009)

While Julia was speaking, fragrant oil exuded from her neck and the back of her head.(Oct. 19, 2009)

. The Bishop and priests witnessing the fragrant oil exuded from Julia Kim’s neck
and the back of her head .
  (Oct. 19, 2009)

 Fragrant oil came down on the Way of the Cross in he Blessed Mother's Mountain.(Nov. 24, 2009)

Fragrant oil came down on the acrylic curtain  protecting the Crucifix in the Calvary Hill.(Nov. 24, 2009)

Fragrant oil came down on the stairs of the altar for the Blessed Mother in the Chapel (Nov. 24, 2009)

Fragrant oil came down on the spot where
the Eucharist had descended on August 27, 1997
(Nov. 24, 2009)

Fragrant oil came down on the floor of the Chapel.  (Nov. 24, 2009)

Fragrant oil came down on Julia Kim's clothes.  (Nov. 24, 2009)

" In order to give the totality of my love, which is so high, deep and wide, to my beloved Pope, Cardinals, Bishops, priests, religious and all my children in the world together with my Son Jesus,I am squeezing all of myself and giving you fragrance and oil. The fragrance and oil that I give to all are gifts from God.
They represent my presence, love and friendship for you. "

(The Blessed Mother,  April 8, 1993) 


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