Our Lady of Naju exuding fragrant oil
by squeezing all of herself. (2009)


 Feb. 7, 2009

 Feb. 19, 2009

 Mar. 7, 2009

  May. 16, 2009

 Anniversary of the Blessed Mother's first weeping (June 30, 2009)

July 4, 2009

  Aug. 1, 2009


Aug. 1, 2009 


 Aug. 15, 2009


23rd anniversary of Our Lady's first weeping tears of blood

17th anniversary of the first exuding of fragrant oil & 15th anniversary of descent of the Eucharist (Nov. 24, 2009)

Dec. 5, 2009


In order to give the totality of my love, which is so high, deep and wide,
to my beloved Pope, Cardinals, Bishops, priests, religious and
all my children in the world together with my Son Jesus,
I am squeezing all of myself and giving you fragrance
and oil. The fragrance and oil that I give to all
are gifts from God.

They represent my presence, love and friendship for you.
(The Blessed Mother,  April 8, 1993)


