The Laity
I am a young student and believe in the authenticity of Naju
A letter by Miss Michaela Ji-Eun Kim to MBC TV’s PD Notebook
Seoul, Korea
Novermber 15, 2007
Lord! I pray that everything that I do will become a glory to Thee, a consolation to the Blessed Mother, and a benefit to all of us. Let us never be forgetful of Thy mercy and goodness in everything and at every moment. Amen.
My testimony is truthful, and I have nothing to hide. Anyone who wishes more information about this testimony is welcome to contact me at the phone number listed below. I also sincerely ask the MBC TV staff in charge of the PD Note book program to discontinue the practice of altering some of the testimonies without the witnesses’permission.
I live in Seoul and first heard about Naju two years ago. In June of this year, I began making regular pilgrimages there, once every month. As I have continued visiting Naju, I have found myself undergoing many changes ?in my thoughts, words, and deeds. The Blessed Mother of Naju has
been reforming my soul! Furthermore, as I have felt the boundless love of the Lord and the Blessed Mother, which, it doesn’t seem, the PD Note book staff have experienced or know about, I am earnestly crying out like this to defend that love, which I would
never trade for any thing, even my life.
I am a junior in the CollegeofLawatEwhaUniversityinSeoul. Before I knew the Blessed Mother of Naju, I had been very proud and extremely sensitive to others?eyes. Even to the strangers with whom I chat on the Internet, I had pretended to be smart and high class. I had insisted on wearing
expensive clothes and shoes. I had despised others who appeared to be inferior to me, but had become easily irritated and upset before those who seemed to be better and prettier than I. I had been conscious of these shortcomings in me, and had made Confessions, attended retreats, and sought counseling to no avail. I made one short-lived resolution after another only to return to old habits. I had continued to be a slave of others?eyes.
Even after I first learned about the Blessed Mother’s Chapel in Naju, I had doubts and could not believe; and my life continued to be miserable. Since June of this year, however, I made a promise with the Blessed Mother and have been visiting Naju on every First Saturday. Since then,
I have been greatly surprised to find myself gradually changing, as I have continued the pilgrimages. I have felt so grateful to the Lord and the Blessed Mother for calling me and pouring so much love and grace into me.
In Naju, I have personally witnessed many miracles, but the most precious fruit has been the grace of repentance. While walking on the Way of the Cross in Naju, I have realized the Love with which the Lord laid down His whole Body and the motherly Love of the Blessed Mother. This Love
is so sublime and pure and has so powerfully touched and changed me.
I have also seen the beauty of Mrs. Julia Kim who leads a life of simple, pure, and sacrificial love. This beauty is entirely different from the kind of beauty that I was seeking in the secular world. Also, her humility in saying, ? If there has been anything good in my life, that has been the work of the Lord and the Blessed Mother; and if there has been anything bad and shameful, that has been done by me, asinner,?
contrasted so starkly with my past life filled with pride and complacency. She is like a lighthouse erected by the Lord and the Blessed Mother for our sake. Because we commit so many sins, which is so obvious in the news reports on TV and so on, the world is being flooded with sins, Mrs. Julia
Kim loves the Lord and the Blessed Mother so much and practices the love from Them in her life. She is not an object of idolization. You should know this clearly.
We believe in the Lord and worship Him; we venerate and love the Blessed Mother as our Mother in Heaven who constantly makes sacrifices and prays for us to the Lord at His side; and Mrs. Julia Kim is a person who willingly participates in the Passion of the Lord by suffering so many severe pains
every day in reparation for the sins in the world to soften the just wrath of the Lord and to help the sinners to repent. She is the littlest of the little souls who offers up everything in her life, not even neglecting the most trivial things in her life for the conversion of sinners.
So, I have become a reborn person after repeated pilgrimages. I have sought not the external beauty but the beauty of my soul. In the past, if someone begged for money in the subway train, I wished to help him but could not do so being conscious of others?eyes. Now, I can gladly give them
money, thinking about Mrs. Julia Kim who practiced charity regardless of persecutions, jealousy, or criticism. I am even able to help an old lady getting off a bus with a large, heavy bundle, by carrying it for her to the outside of the bus. In the past, when I entered a public restroom and found it dirty and with scattered bathroom tissue, I only complained and blamed others. Now, I can gladly pick up the bathroom tissue and put it in the trashcan. I am surprised at myself, so different from the past.
I also find myself being kind and warm to everyone I meet. In the past, I was rough and haughty to the clerks in department stores, libraries, and so on, but, after I knew the Blessed Mother of Naju, I have realized that the life of practicing humility and lowliness is far happier than the
life of struggling to be higher than others. I have been coming out of the thick shell of pride, which has been replaced by new buds sprouting in me.
Also, in the past, making my Confession was so difficult and inconvenient. Now, I am aware that the confessional is a place of love where the Lord is present and forgives our sins with His mercy. In the past, I only superficially believed in the Real Presence of Our Lord in the Eucharist.
After I made visits to Naju, I have realized that the living Jesus is truly present in the Eucharist and that the Eucharist is a Sacrament in which Jesus comes to us as our Food to be united with us. Now, every time I receive Communion, I am so moved and shed tears. How can I adequately explain this?
Now, I attend Mass more frequently and pray the rosary with the great joy of praying with the Blessed Mother. In the past, I complained, ?Lord, why should I suffer such grea tpains? Why? Why?? Now, I can offer them up in reparation for my sins and others?and as a gift to God the Father for the conversion of sinners, as Mrs. Julia Kim does. I am overjoyed for being able to participate in the love of the Cross and meet Jesus. This is how the Blessed Mother has been nurturing
and bringing us up. Truly, I do not want to go back to the old life before I knew the Blessed Mother of Naju ?even if a sword threatens to penetrate my neck. I do not want to live as before. I have seen miracles and experienced them.
The Blessed Mother’s Chapel and Mountain in Naju frequently becomes filled with powerful fragrance of roses, which is a sign of the Blessed Mother’s love, friendship and presence. This fragrance does not come from a bottle of any artificial perfume or a piece of cloth wet with perfume as
reported in your TV program. Don’t you have any fear of God?
When I pray in Seoul thinking about the Blessed Mother of Naju, frequently smell the fragrance of roses.
(This fragrance is not exactly the same as the natural fragrance of roses. It is not like any natural or artificial fragrance in the world. It is uniquely sweet and pleasant and never makes anyone tired of it however long it may be smelled.) How can you explain that I smell this fragrance in Seoul,sofarfromNaju? Not only that, I often smell it when I enter the Naju website on the Internet. I am smelling it right now as I write this testimony. This is a sign that the Blessed Mother is with me.
I also saw the unusual phenomena of the sun in Naju. I could look at the sun without straining my eyes. The sun turned into an amazing image of a white disk, looking like the Eucharist, pulsating and surrounded by different colors. How can anyone make this up?
What I have experienced is but a small portion of the signs that occur in Naju. The Blessed Mother said in her message through Mrs. Julia Kim, ? The tears are important, but the messages that I give
you are more important.? She brings us the miracles, because our minds and hearts are hardened and would not accept the messages unless the messages are accompanied with miraculous signs. Especially in our age, there are many who say, ? Where is God? I will believe Him, if I can see Him.? The Lord and the Blessed
Mother are giving us the signs of Their presence, because They so anxiously wish that all of us will repent of our sins and be saved.
Naju is truly a holy, pure, and beautiful place. I sincerely hope that the PD Note book staff, who joined hands with the false
witnesses in producing this program on Naju filled with distorted information, will not hold on to their mistakes and, then, wail bitterly, beating the ground with their hands.
The Lord truly lives. I earnestly pray that those who watched the MBC’s PD Note book program on Naju will not commit the sins
of falsely judging and condemning the works of the Lord and the Blessed Mother and those who believe in them.
Lord, have mercy on them; they know not what they are doing.
I pray that the love and blessing from the Lord and the Blessed Mother will descend on everyone who reads this testimony.
Michaela Ji-Eun Kim 101-ho, Hanseong Highvill Eungam 1-dong, Eunpyeong-gu, Seoul, South Korea
Testimony by Susanna Eun-Kyung Park, on February 9, 2008
A Petition to
His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI, the Father of the Church,
whom I love and respect
February 9, 2008
Your Holiness,
My name is Susanna Eun-Kyung Park, 31 years old and living in the City of Daegu in the Republic of Korea. I am a medical technologist.
I had been living in darkness and misery without any hope or joy, but began a new life of resurrection through the Blessed Mother of Naju. I present this petition to Your Holiness, the Father of the Church, as those who have received much grace through their pilgrimages to Naju are now suffering severely
because of the recent broadcast by the MBC TV with a thorough distortion of the facts of Naju and also the ruthless ?/font>decree?pronounced by the Archbishop of Kwangju directed at the clergy, religious and laity in the whole world warning them that any of them who visits Naju will be automatically excommunicated.
My mother had conceived me before her marriage and then married a man, who became my stepfather who promised to accept everything with love. When I was five years old, I was sent to my grandmother’s (the mother of my mother) in the country. My grandmother ill-treated me and beat me frequently.
While I became seriously ill, I was left unattended. My life was saved only because a neighbor finally took me to a hospital. My grandmother hated me intensely, because my mother conceived me before marriage, and wished me to die.
When I became six years old, my mother and stepfather also came to the country, but it was the beginning of an even greater misfortune for me. My stepfather beat me mercilessly. On one occasion, he sent me on an errand, but followed me until I was passing a secluded area. There, he began
beating and kicking me. He pushed me into a rice paddy and forcefully struck my head so that I might not get up. I fainted and almost died.
I never ate a meal at ease. I had to be alert all the time, because I did not know when the beating would start. I wanted to study, but could not do so at ease. When I began reading a book in the evening, I was yelled at to put out the light and sleep. When I became 11 years old, I
had to get up at 4 a.m. and, by 5 a.m., take the breakfast to my mother and stepfather in the field located deep into the mountain. Then, I had to come home, feed my younger brother and sister, do dishes, and, then, go to school.
Even during vacations, I had to do all kinds of work all the time, even when the rest of the family went out for an excursion ?feeding the cow with fodder, removing cow dung, cleaning the house, and doing many other chores. If I did not complete even one of the chores I was supposed to do, I had to hear
unbearably abusive words and was beaten mercilessly. One day, while I was working in the field, my stepfather slapped me on my face and beat and kicked me on every part of my body. He kicked me so hard that my back was severely bruised.
I thought that God alone was the string that I could hold on to in this miserable life and began going to a Catholic church. When I came home from the church, I was told, ?/font>This crazy bitch has become a Jesus follower to ruin the family,?and was pulled by the hair and was beaten ruthlessly.
When several Catholic Sisters came to help the farmers, I received a crucifix and rosaries from them and hid them deep in the chest as my treasures. My parents found them and burned them in the fireplace; they overturned the dining table and said abusive words to me, ?This crazy bitch will learn only
if she is beaten until death.? They beat me countless times.
One day, my grandmother, my younger sister and brother, and I were poisoned with the gas from coal while sleeping. The ambulance came, but only three of us were taken to the hospital, leaving me behind. While pulling weeds in the bean field, all in the family were stung by bees. All were
treated except me. On another day, I came home a little later than usual and was severely beaten. My mother grabbed my hair and repeatedly hit the wall with my head. I thought I was dying. She kept on beating me for a long time.
My life seemed no better than death. My hatred and resentment against my parents grew continuously, and I decided to take revenge. I imagined killing my parents with a kitchen knife or pesticide. After thinking a lot, I eventually concluded that it would be better for me to die and swallowed
strong herbicide. I did not die, but my tongue was burned and became painful. I lost the sense of taste for several months. One day in a summer, my stepfather uttered all kinds of humiliating words to me and, then, suddenly lifted up a sickle that he had in his hand to strike me down.
One day my mother was wounded severely and received three big surgeries. My stepfather told me to look after her instead of going to school. So I stayed with my mother and looked after her, but all I got from her in return was more abusive words and beating. When I was a high-school senior,
my stepfather began using a large stick as long as an adult man for ruthlessly beating me. While he was beating me more ruthlessly than beating an animal, my mother approvingly looked at the scene. Her eyes were not the eyes with which a mother looks at her child but were brutal and cold eyes that would give one goose bumps.
Under such circumstances, I continuously suffered from depression and manic depression and even thought about entering a convent in order to escape from my life. However, I was extremely lonesome and decided to get married when I was 24 years old. When I made this known to my parents, they said,
?/font>You want to get married so soon without making some money for us??/font> They refused to give me any money to cover the expense of the marriage. At that time, I also needed to pay tuition at a college.
So, I got a loan with the help of my boyfriend for the marriage. My parents came to the wedding, but, instead of bringing any gift, took away all of the gift money received from the bride’s side. My husband’s parents had to cover all of the expenses including the bus for the guests, the reception,
and the wedding ceremony. I felt so embarrassed, shameful, and despairing. After the marriage, even my husband, whom I had trusted, began sleeping out or coming home late after drinking. My heart hardened and my hatred of my parents deepened and turned into an uncontrollable anger. This anger amplified the hatred, which then combined with my depression and manic depression in making me contemplate suicide.
Some time later, my mother-in-law told me about the Blessed Mother of Naju and gave me a book of the messages of love and another book on how to turn our lives into prayers. I read these books at least five times. After reading the messages, I was extremely happy realizing that even I, who was
as exhausted as anyone can be, was a child of God and of the Blessed Mother loved by Them. I shed the tears of repentance and joy. Soon I began making pilgrimages to Naju carrying my baby on my back.
During my first visit to the Blessed Mother’s House (the chapel) in Naju, the fragrance of roses and the fragrance of lilies welcomed us. I had been suffering from severe contact dermatitis, but I was completely healed of it after the pilgrimage. My baby also had a severe atopy, but was completely
healed when Julia Kim rubbed his skin with the water from the Blessed Mother’s spring and prayed for him. More amazing was that I was healed of severe depression, manic depression, insomnia, and the urge to commit suicide. Furthermore, as I repented and prayed according to Julia’s spirituality of blaming myself instead of blaming others, the whole world looked different and I was able to forgive and reconcile with anyone.
Soon after I began making pilgrimages to Naju, I telephoned my parents and said, ? I am truly sorry to you and so grateful to you for raising me up. I love you.? In response, my stepfather said, ? I am sorry for having treated you so cruelly and not having helped you with your education.? We made
a true reconciliation with the grace brought by the Blessed Mother after 26 years. The Blessed Mother called me to Naju so that I may not perish in anger and resentment and enabled me to forgive even my grandmother who hated me so intensely because I had been conceived before my mother’s marriage.
On a Good Friday, Julia Kim fell on the ground screaming loudly as she was participating in the Lord’s pains of being scourged. Immediately her legs began bleeding profusely, and her head also was bleeding. In April 2004, I personally witnessed Julia’s suffering the pains of scourging. On Good
Friday in 2005, I saw tears of blood flowing down from her eyes and wept uncontrollably realizing that I was a truly sinful person. I also saw Julia Kim suffering the pains of reparation for the sins of abortion. When I touched her swollen abdomen, I could feel the small head of a baby. I also saw her underwear soaked with sweat while suffering pains in reparation for the sins of impurity.
In 2005, I was at the scene of the Eucharistic miracle during the Mass celebrated by Fr. Pete Marcial from the Philippines. During Lent in 2006, I again personally witnessed Julia Kim’s suffering the pains of scourging. On October 19, 2006, I personally carried out the test of the Precious Blood
that came down on the acrylic cover on the Blessed Mother’s Mountain and confirmed that its blood type was AB.
After this test, I more firmly believed in the Precious Blood. I also received five drops of the Precious Blood on my socks, two drops on my Korean dress, and three drops on my T-shirt during pilgrimages. I had suffered from a serious stomach illness, constantly suffering from indigestion, but
this was healed, too. I also had a severe hemorrhoid, but, when I answered with ? Amen? during Julia’s talk on reparatory suffering, I was amazingly healed of it.
Your Holiness, the Father of the Church, whom I love and respect! I am really beginning a new life through the Blessed Mother of Naju. I am really filled with happiness, joy, and peace through the Blessed Mother of Naju. However, Naju is now placed in the middle of enormous difficulty. A
public TV station colluded with some of the priests in the Kwangju Archdiocese in producing a video filled with false information about Naju. It is so evident that this video was fabricated according to a pre-determined scenario.
After this video was broadcast, all the dioceses in Korea began persecuting the pilgrims to Naju citing the contents of this video. My family and myself are among the victims of this persecution. Numerous pilgrims including me have been mistreated in their dioceses or parishes through prohibitions,
exclusions, and alienations.
In many cases, they are banned from the Mass, the Holy Communion, and the Confession. There are even some who were expelled from their parishes. Many priests are accusing Naju as a heresy and a superstition during their homilies. This is the current reality of the Catholic Church in Korea.
A person like me, who has found a new life through the Blessed Mother of Naju, cannot live without the Blessed Mother of Naju.
The numerous other pilgrims who have been rescued from their miseries, healed of their spiritual and physical illnesses, and found hope would feel the same way as I do. There also are an increasing number of the faithful who are leaving the Church, frustrated at the Church’s childish and silly collusion
with a secular TV company for promoting false information.
Recently, on January 24, 2008, Archbishop Chang-Moo Choi of Kwangju pronounced a ? decree? and distributed it to the Catholic and secular mass media. Based on this, many of the mass media companies in Korea loudly published it to their audience all over the nation. As a result, tragic incidents
are occurring all over Korea —the Blessed Mother of Naju is being accused as a heresy, and the great majority of the Catholic churches in Korea are jumping on this bandwagon announcing their support of the Kwangju Archbishop’s ?/font>decree? and expelling those who make pilgrimages to Naju from their churches.
By Archbishop Choi’s decree which is dated January 21, 2008 and is reported by the secular mass media as supported by the Holy See, Naju is publicly condemned as a heresy; Fr. Aloysius Hong-Bin Chang, who loves and believes in the Blessed Mother of Naju, has been reportedly excommunicated; and whoever makes
pilgrimages to Naju, whether he or she is from Korea or any other country in the world is automatically excommunicated. These contents of the decree? are reported not only through Catholic TV and newspaper companies but also through the secular mass media. Through all the mass media in Korea, the terrifying information that the Naju pilgrims are automatically excommunicated is spreading nationwide like a forest fire. What should we do about this?
Those of the faithful who believe in the authenticity of Naju but do not know enough about Canon Law have already been shaken by the MBC TV PD Notebook broadcast and now tremble before the threat of excommunication.
Your Holiness whom I respect! Please have mercy on us and free us from the shackles of false charges. Your Holiness is our only hope. As I received the new life through the Lord and the Blessed Mother who came to Naju, I am ready to sacrifice my life if needed to spread this most sublime
and pure love to others. Please grant this earnest petition from an unworthy and poor soul, who implores with her life. Please take measures so that all the mistakes so far may be corrected and the Catholic Church may be renewed.
All the pilgrims to Naju who love the Lord and the Blessed Mother always pray for the intentions of Your Holiness and the spiritual and physical health of Your Holiness. I love Your Holiness!
Susanna Eun-Kyung Park
Address : 6-213, Daejayeon 1-cha Apartment bldg.
Pa-dong, Suseong-gu,
Daegu, 706-793, South Korea


A medical technologist is testing
the Precious Blood for Its blood type.
A doctor is explaining the blood
type to the clergy present
Testimony by Hyundo
Marian Kim on February 18, 2008
Dear Holy Father,
I, who am unworthy, dare to submit this appeal to Your Holiness, Vicar of Jesus Christ, whom I respect infinitely. My name is Hyundo Marian Kim. I am a 47-year-old middle school teacher. I belong to
the Kwangju Archdiocese. I have a wife and two sons.
On November 13, 2007, the MBC TV's PD Notebook broadcasted its anti-Naju episode, which was greatly shocking to me. Only then, for the first time, did I learn of the events that have been happening in Naju.
Of course, judging from our common sense, the events that are said to have happened in Naju are impossible. At the same time, however, it occurred to me that it would also be impossible for Mrs. Julia Kim to have deceived people for more than 22 years by fabricating such
Out of a wish to check all the facts for myself, I visited the Blessed Mother's House and Mountain and also attended the prayer meetings there several times. I personally witnessed some miraculous phenomena. After carefully reading the writings and watching the photographs
and videos, I came to have a firm conviction that the events that have happened in Naju are all true: The Blessed Mother's tears, tears of blood, and fragrant oil; The descent of the Eucharist and the Precious Blood; The Eucharist turning into visible flesh and blood in Julia's mouth; Healings through the miraculous water; Julia's suffering in reparation for sins and so on.
Thanks to Naju, I came to be sure that all the miracles that Jesus worked together with all the words that He said in Palestine two thousand years ago, did really happen. Before knowing about Naju, I thought that the miracles written down in the Bible, such as the Virgin
Mary's conception of Jesus and the resurrection of Jesus were just symbolic rather than they were the real events. And I also thought that the Eucharist was just the symbol of Jesus' body and blood. But after learning about Naju, my faith changed, and I, who had been a lapsed Catholic for 17 years, came back to the Lord's bosom.
In the meantime, my eldest son, 14 years old, was healed of his severe atopy thanks to the miraculous water from the Blessed Mother's mountain. Before being cured, he had not been able to sleep well due to his skin's redness, oozing, and severe itching sensation.
However, the Ordinary of the Kwangju Archdiocese declared that Naju has nothing to do with the Catholic Church and prohibited the faithful from making pilgrimages to Naju. Through his recent Decree dated January 21, 2008, he even declared that all the faithful who make pilgrimages
to Naju would incur the penalty of automatic excommunication. Furthermore, beyond the Kwangju Archdiocese which is his authoritative scope, he extended the application of automatic excommunication even to the faithful belonging to other dioceses in Korea and abroad.
I, who resumed practicing the faith and experienced the presence of Jesus and Mary through Naju, cannot possibly understand why the Ordinary of the Kwangju Archdiocese is banning Naju by issuing such a Decree. If Naju is officially recognized by the Church, I believe that
numerous people who have lapsed away from the faith and have doubted God's presence, will return to the bosom of the Catholic Church.
On January 29, 2008, I sent a petition letter to the Ordinary of the Kwangju Archdiocese, asking for the suspension of the execution of the Decree, but didn't receive a reply letter until now. Therefore, I earnestly appeal to Your Holiness to take measures to invalidate the
Decree of the Kwangju Archbishop so that numerous people may receive graces through Naju.
I earnestly pray that Your Holiness will always be blessed with love, peace, and grace from the Lord and the Blessed Mother. Amen.
Hyundo Marian Kim
Address: 204-406 Line 2-cha Apartment Bldg.
518, Bongseon-Dong, Nam-Gu, Kwangju-city,
503-814, South Korea
Testimony by Catherina Young-Joo Yoo, Korea on June 27, 2008
The Lord is the truth and love!
I pray that countless sinners including me, as many as the number of the letters in this testimony, may repent of their sins, return to the Lord’s bosom, and live the life of the Resurrection. Lord, have your infinite mercy on us and bestow abundant grace of repentance upon the clergy who do not know
the truth about Naju and are persecuting the Blessed Mother of Naju and the pilgrims so that they may recognize the Blessed Mother who came to Naju and accept her and give glory to God. Amen.
In January 1999, my husband was diagnosed with a malignant brain cancer in its early fourth stage. After a long twelve-hour surgery on February 2, he remained in the intensive-care unit until April, hovering between life and death. Because the cancer recurred, he received a second surgery. He
became a first-class disabled person.
He was discharged from the hospital and returned home and to his stuffy room unused for over a year. His eyes were filled with hopelessness; so were the eyes of our child. I had to feed my husband and assist him in the bathroom. I forgot to pray, did not have any hope for tomorrow, and was
living one day at a time getting closer to death. I did not have any courage or reason to live on.
Then, in August 2001, I had an opportunity to make a pilgrimage to the Blessed Mother of Naju. I am happy to confess that my family was reborn that day as the children of light.
Subtle fragrance of the roses continued in the Chapel where the Blessed Mother was present. Until the prayer meeting began, I had not known the reason why the Blessed Mother was shedding tears and tears of blood or why she was exuding fragrant oil by squeezing all of herself. I understood it during the
prayer meeting. Many memories of my past came back in rapid succession. I remembered having judged other people.
I remembered having been proud and selfish. I realized that Jesus was nailed to the Cross and the Blessed Mother has been shedding tears of blood because of me. I wept all night in the Chapel and continued weeping after I returned home. I repented of my sins from the bottom of my heart. I
still occasionally repeat my past mistakes out of habit, but now have the courage to confess my mistakes and make a new start.
When my husband and I first met Julia Kim on the Blessed Mother’s Mountain, she warmly embraced both of us and said that she loved us. My husband still remembers that warm and happy moment. We think it probably was similar to the Blessed Mother’s bosom.
After our first pilgrimage, our life began to change in many ways. We have always been filled with joy and gratitude. When we call the names of Jesus and Mary, we shed tears of happiness. The Blessed Mother is the energy of eternal life without any expiration date. After I met the Blessed
Mother of Naju, my despair has turned into hope making me smile all the time.
The Lord and the Blessed Mother filled my life in every way, but I have felt especially grateful for my husband. If it were not for him, I probably could not have met the Blessed Mother in my whole lifetime, because I had been a very impatient, selfish, and proud person. I sincerely confessed to
my husband: ? Thank you and I love you.?
The Lord and the Blessed Mother has given us not only the spiritual changes but other blessings as well. During our first pilgrimage to Naju, I wrote a letter to the Blessed Mother asking for my husband’s health and work so that he may feel the dignity as a husband. Surprisingly, my husband received
an offer from a hospital. He has been a doctor specializing in X-rays. He is fully capable of reading the X-rays, even though he still is handicapped to do other kinds of work. Also, the method of turning my life into prayers, which I learned in Naju, has given me more consolation and energy.
Julia’s words that we can always make a new start have given me much comfort. I have been making better confessions and receiving the Lord in the Eucharist in a holier way than before. Another change since I began the pilgrimage to Naju has been that I have found it easier to turn anything into a total
offering-up. Now, I do not worry about tomorrow concerning my husband, my child, the things we own, or myself. I am no longer ashamed of our small house, the second-hand clothes given to us, or our simple meals.
It has been almost eight years since we first met the Blessed Mother of Naju. We are immensely grateful to the Lord and the Blessed Mother for letting us meet the Blessed Mother of Naju, not worry about tomorrow, turn our lives into prayers, have trust in the Lord and the Blessed Mother, and become reborn
despite our unworthiness. I also thank Julia Kim for suffering pains in our place.
Catherina Young-Joo Yoo
Yongsan-Dong 5 Joogong Apts., Bldg. 507, #1403
Andong, Kyungbuk Province
March 28, 2008



(Now her husband is getting better)
Testimony written by Tommy Tong from Singapore (PDF)
Testimony on 2nd Eucharistic Miracle in Vatican (PDF)

During an overnight prayer meeting in Naju on November 24, 2009 commemorating the fifteenth anniversary of Archbishop Giovanni Bulaitis' visit to Naju and his witnessing two miraculous
descents of the Eucharist on the same day, the Blessed Mother instructed Julia to visit Archbishop Giovanni Bulaitis. On February 26, 2010, Julia Kim together with Fr. Aloysius Chang and a few volunteer helpers made a trip to Rome. She was also carrying with her the Eucharist that had bled on October 16, 2006 as well as the messages from Jesus and the Blessed Mother on October 15 and 16, 2006 for the Holy Father.
When Julia and her companions visited Archbishop Bulaitis on February 27, 2010, His Excellency asked Julia what her plan was for the trip. Julia answered that she would only obey the Archbishop regarding what she was to do in Rome. The Archbishop said that he had heard from the Blessed Mother while he was praying two days earlier that Julia will tell something for him. The Archbishop also told Julia
that the Blessed Mother had said, Last time (on November 24, 1994), you received the Eucharist from Julia; this time, you give her the Eucharist. The Archbishop continued, let us have the Sunday Mass tomorrow in the chapel here in my official residence.
From 10 a.m. on February 28, Archbishop Bulaitis and Fr. Aloysius Chang concelebrated the Mass. During the Communion, the Archbishop gave Julia the Sacred Host intincted in the Precious Blood in the chalice. While Julia was meditating, she called one of the helpers and opened her mouth. The helper was surprised and asked the Archbishop to come closer. The Archbishop saw that the Eucharist was changing into visible
flesh and blood on her tongue. He was startled and asked the four Sisters who were also at the Mass to come and see.
Fresh blood was covering the Eucharist, and, at the same time, the Eucharist was becoming larger. A while later, some blood was seen in the little space between the Eucharist and Julia's tongue. The Archbishop observed every change in the Eucharist without turning his eyes away from the Eucharist even once, as, through this miracle, the inner reality of the Eucharist, which is the Real Presence of the living and breathing Jesus
with His Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity normally hidden behind the species of bread and wine, was being revealed. The Archbishop instructed Julia to swallow the Eucharist. Julia was wishing that the Eucharist would be preserved, but promptly obeyed the Archbishop's instruction.
The Archbishop then poured some water into the ciborium and asked Julia to drink it. After she drank the water, the Archbishop examined the inside of her mouth to see if there were any wounds. Then, the Archbishop wiped the inside of Julia's mouth with a purificator (linen), but did not see any blood on the purificator. All these steps taken by the Archbishop must have been the most proper and thoughtful procedures
as a shepherd in the Church for a clear and authentic discernment of whether the sign he observed was of a supernatural origin or not.
Testimony by Thomas Joseph Watkins
Hello, My name is Thomas Joseph Watkins,
I live in Na-Ju Korea. My wife &I are volunteers here at the Blessed Mothers House of Na-Ju.
Starting last year about March or April I started having headaches. They were
stronger than just a regular headache. I also vomited every so often. I
would wake up with a headache and it would stay with me all day long. I took Tylenol and it would subside or awhile but a couple of hours later it was back again.
I couldn't do anything. My days were so miserable. This went on for a few months, so we decided to go to the Na-Ju hospital. They took an x-ray, C.T., and an M.R.I., that was Nov. 2nd 2009. The Neurosurgeon explained the results from the tests and said that I had a Hematoma on the outer edge of my brain.
That was causing my headaches and vomiting. He also said that the Hematoma was
caused by leakage of spinal fluid or trauma to the head. Then the Doctor said that we needed to go to a larger hospital immediately because I might need further medical attention right away, and he called an Ambulance from the Emergency Room and sent me to Jeon-Nam University hospital in Gwang-Ju.
That made me really nervous. I didn't know I was going to be shipped to a larger
hospital lying on my back in an Ambulance instantly . We were holding off calling Julia because of all of her sufferings, but at this point we couldn't hold back any longer.
So, my wife called the Chapel and explained the situation to one of the Nuns-to-be
(ANNA) in the computer room and asked her to ask Julia to pray for me. Julia was in deep suffering at that time. So the Chapel offered to light candles and offer them to the Blessed Mother. Everyone including the Priests, Nuns, recruits, and volunteers started to pray for me at that moment on and
Julia was also informed later on.
I went to Jeon-Nam hospitals Emergency Room and I had to take another X-ray and
C.T. and the result was the same as before. They wanted me to stay at the hospital for a few days in the Emergency Room for a few more check ups, But, I really didn't want to stay there so I asked the Doctor if he would let me go home and come back later for a check up. So, they released me with an appointment for a specialist and my headaches still continued.
After my hospital visit that day we stopped at the Chapel to pray. Then Julia
called me to her prayer room and she poured some Holy Water on my head and held me and said a deep prayer for me. At that time, Julia was in very deep suffering, before she prayed over me but, she still found the time for me, with a beautiful smile on her painful face, then she held my head and prayed for me.
This went on for 3 days. Some days she couldn't even open her eyes because of the terrible pain she was suffering, but, when we arrived she would get up and pray for and over me. Some days she stopped having dinner
and prayed for me. I couldn't ask her to pray for me like that anymore because it hurt me so much to see her that way and also I was very sorry and very thankful to her.
I have a towel at home that has Sacred Blood on it that I received when I was
working on the Blessed Mother's Mountain last year and I showed it to Julia and she kissed it, then she told me to put it on my pillow when I sleep at night. I followed her suggestion, also I drink Na-Ju Holy Water everyday and soak my head every night before I go to bed.
I went back to the hospital for my check up on Nov. 16th 2009. The specialist
said the same thing as the first doctor, which was that I had a Hematoma,but he didn't know the cause of it. He said that it may be from the Spine and if it is there could be a risk of some sort of side effect. Putting some medicine into the spine to search for a leaking area could be dangerous, it had a history of causing paralysis on the person before.
But the Hematoma won't go away naturally. The doctor sent me home with a new
appointment for another MRI. When we came home my wife was looking at me when I was talking to her and she said that my lips changed when I talked and she became very worried that I was going to be paralyzed.
At that point she started looking for a doctor in Seoul. Our friend Cecelia Roh
recommended that we go to St. Mary's Hospital in Seoul. There we found a very reputable Doctor. So
I went to see him with my previous test results CD from Jeon-Nam Hospital Emergency Room and the specialist's opinion statement.
That was Dec. 7th 2009 There, they ran through a intensive C.T.. Before I went
in, my wife poured Na-Ju Holy Water on my head and I put Julia's photo album in my pocket and K put the Blessed Mother's Tears of Blood photo inside of her purse and held it pointing the room where the C.T. was performed.
The Neurosurgeon doctor said that the blood amount on the backside of my head
was still there but that the spot on top of my head had shrunk and instead of being Blood it had turned to a watery type of blood. Then he said that surgery is the only solution that will get rid of my headaches and that I will need to spend about 2 weeks in the hospital.
That wouldn't be very easy for us to do since we live in Na-Ju, so we made a new
appointment for Dec. 22nd, 2009. Meanwhile many of our friends here in Na-Ju were still praying for me including Julia, and we are still using the Na-Ju Holy Water everyday on me.
I went back to the hospital again &took the same type C.T., and of course
my wife put the Na-Ju Holy Water on my head and I had Julia's photo album as before and my wife put her purse down pointing at me in the C.T. room with the photo of the Blessed Mother's Tears of Blood again pointing at me while I was laying on the C.T. machine.
The result came back that the Hematoma has shrunk a little bit. My next appointment
was made for Jan. 26th., 2010. I returned to the hospital again and ran through the same preparation as before, which means the Na-Ju Holy Water on my head and the photo's in my pocket, etc. in fact they wouldn't allow my wife in the room on that day, so she was out in the hall and pointed her purse which contained the Blessed Mothers photo at the room which I was in.
The result came out that on the right side of my head I still had a small Hematoma
remaining. But the Hematoma on my left side had completely disappeared, absolutely gone. Now my next appointment is for 2 months later instead of every 2-3 weeks. We then went back to the hospital on March 30th 2010.
We prepared for my visit the same way as before, which was drinking some of the Na-Ju Holy Water and putting
the Holy Water on my head &having the photos from Na-Ju &a piece of cotton with Precious Blood on it in my pocket. Then being nervous while praying for a good result.
When we went to the Dr.'s office he was already
looking at my C.T. results and he had us sit down in chairs and he said that my Hematoma is all gone, it is no more and you don't need to come back and see me again. He said, look at the screen here and he pointed out where all of the Hematoma's were at and that there was no longer any anomaly showing.
We believe 1000% that my healing came from Our Lady through
Julia Kim's sacrifice and prayers. I can't thank her enough. Thank you soooooo much &I Love You.
All of those painful headaches I was having are gone, but, I know who has been having my actual illness for me, Julia prays constantly, a helper saw her praying my name while she was lying down. There is no way that I can thank Julia enough. I have felt so much warmth from her genuine LOVE.
Ever since we found out about the Na-Ju blessed Mother and Julia we have always
felt like we are in the boundary of safety. The Blessed Mother of Na-Ju has set us on the right pathway. The Blessed Mother of Na-Ju and Julia will always be in our hearts, wherever we are, even in case we return to the United States. THANK YOU for letting me give you my testimony of the Blessed Mother of Na-Ju, and we LOVE you Mother Julia.
(First Saturday of Feb. 2010 T. J. Watkins)
Testimony by Paula Marianne (a leader of Prayer Group in Semarang)

Mrs. Anne on the left, Mrs Irene who also cancer surviver, healed by intercession of the Blessed Mother of Naju.
Since February 2007, I’ve felt a hump in my right colon which
getting more painful as the time went by. Once when the pain attacked, I
couldn’t stand up straight, but had to bow 90 degrees down, the pain was
During feeling the unbelievable pain, I was down. Imagine this; I’ve
already had 6 times stomach surgeries. Besides that a Singaporean doctor had
warned me to maintain my health, since I was not allowed to have more
Due to that reason, I decided to take no action; it led me to face a
bigger tumor with 3cm diameter. I was so afraid to tell it to my husband
because he would take me to a hospital. Therefore I did not tell him and felt
my own suffering. Eventually, I thought that had to let someone know about my
sickness. In case that if I died, there would be somebody who knew the cause. Istarted to convey to my best friend Mgr.
Suharyo and my foster brother, Fr.Gabriel, about my sickness and ask permission to go to Naju. They wondered of
my decision going to Naju instead of taking medication. Therefore I explained
that since 1996-2007, I’ve been 3 times to Naju and felt there were miracles. I
told them that my friend who severed from colorectal cancer was healed there.
The particular fragrant from the oil that came out of Mother Mary
statue which was paraded and the fragrant from Mrs. Yulia Kim fulfilled the
meeting room. It was a miracle. I’ve read a lot of miracle stories that
happened to sick people, finally I was permitted and even pushed to go to Naju
on the end of July, on the month of “Commemoration of Clear
Tears”. In a meeting, which intended to be prayed intensively by Yulia Kim, I
asked her to pray for my sickness. Then she asked me to open the zipper of mypants. In a flash, she kissed on my surgery scar three times.
I didn’t knowwhat the reason was, but my heart full of joy. As if I was going to get
something. When I was praying for getting blessings and healing to Mother Mary,
I felt a sticky ice block upon my scar that was kissed by Yulia Kim previously.
It felt cold, sore, stiff, the measure was approximately 5x20 cm. I was
surprised and asked to my friend who was one of Naju’s volunteers, Irene H.,
“What is happening to me?” She responded, “Praise the Lord, you are in the
healing process, Ann! Yes, you are healed because of your faith!” I ran
directly to Mother Mary and kneeled down saying, “Thank you Mother Mary…” I was
speechless and only could feel the extraordinary joy in tears.
When we rode a bus to go to our hotel, I felt (excuse me) as if I
had a hard flow menstruation that made me uncomfortable to move. As I arrive to
the hotel, I changed my panty in the bathroom. I was truly shocked there was no
blood but I felt humid and wet. Besides that, the fragrant was smelled all
around the bathroom. I couldn’t sleep at that night thinking about all of the
incidents that were happening to me. I doubted the hump on my stomach had gone
and healed.
After Morning Prayer, I touched my stomach gently. Trying to look
for a chicken egg sized hump which I used to feel every time touching it. Praise the Lord, apparently the hump had gone. I’ve rubbed, looked
at it carefully and did not feel pain at all.
On early August, after from Naju, I checked my health to a hospital
laboratory and went to dr. Rickyanto, who passed away 3 years ago. Based on the
checking, the hump had disappeared and the lab result was good. In order to
convincing me, I went to 2 doctors, they are dr. Rickyanto and dr. Lie Soen
Pin, who had examined and stated that the hump that I had was a cancer, wassurprised knowing my latest condition.
To make sure that I was actuallyrecovered, I joined a trip to Israel and Europe on September for three weeks.
It was unbelievable that my condition was totally perfect. I didn’t feel tired
at all, I even totally fit. Since I was so happy after coming back from the
trip, I directly asked permission to my husband to go to Naju, on the following
month, October. My purposes were grateful and thankful.
On early August, September, and October were my time to struggle of
setting my professing faith which led me to take a decision to bring a
companion and a nun to see, feel, and enjoy the greatness of God’s might.
For me it was a great miracle that has changed my life and now I’m
not afraid anymore to tell the truth about Naju. I made professing faith in
many places especially in Centre Java and East Java. Sometimes I went alone
to give presentation although I got negative comments from some priests who
still don’t believe. However I’m not afraid to go on my presentation because of
what I believe in. I keep trying to convince the priests who don’t believe to
come with me to Naju and I’m willing to pay the transportation. By this
professing faith, I hope that people all around the world will believe in the
miracle of Naju.
Paula Marianne
Jl. Puri Anjasmoro I 2/ 11
Semarang 50144
Jateng – Indonesia
Mobile no. +62-811270678
I could bend, walk, and run without any problem!!! I WAS HEALED.

Testimony emailed to Naju on 16th March 2012, about my healing received on Sunday, 4th March 2012 at about 06:30 am...
My name is Steve Carty. I am Irish, now living in the USA. Twelve years ago I heard about Naju and wanted to come but only recently, the Good Lord opened the way to be here. Despite knowing quiet a bit about Naju before I came, it is only upon
my being physically here that I feel showered with blessings. I arrived on February 23rd in order to make a nine-day novena to the Blessed Mother for the rapid Church Approval for Naju and an enthusiastic desire from the Church Hierarchy to quickly promote (the messages, spirituality, and miracles of) Naju, and the experiences of Julia Kim, as she has been our visible witness to the sufferings of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
Ave Maria! Alleluia!
Thank You Jesus! Thank you Loving Mother Mary! Thank you Julia Kim!
I did not seek prayers for my physical or psychological ailments as they had become almost like old friends to remind me of my weakness and my dependence upon God. However, I did desire prayers for the healing of my soul (that has been twisted, deformed, scarred, and stained from my sinful past), my spiritual heart (that has been hardened and scarred from pride, selfishness, and past hurts), and my mind (that my thinking would become healed from self-centeredness to become Christ-centered)...
I met Julia Kim briefly at 06:25am on Sunday morning, and as I went forward to her, the desire in my heart was not for anything for myself but the lifting of Khanh's soul who was my closer friend and died the preivious day for
the accident of motorcycle to the Mercy of Jesus and the intercession of Blessed Mother. After, meeting Julia, being hugged by her and greeted in love, I was getting ready to move along when Julia suddenly stretched out both her hands and placed them on my knees. I was so overwhelmed, that I did not notice anything different even by the time I went back to the Pilgrim's House to sleep. On
Sunday afternoon, I got up and at some point noticed that my knees did not appear to have pain in them.
My first thought was that I received a healing, but because I had experienced many times in the past, that pain was lifted for a day or two by grace after a particularly intensive spiritual experience, I chose to cautiously wait
before declaring a miraculous cure, because I did not want to run ahead of the Lord, and later have to retract my testimony.
By Monday morning, I was confident in faith, that I had indeed been miraculously healed, not just of my knees, but my whole skeletal system. I noticed I could now move my neck freely from side to side without pains.
Again, no pain from my upper and lower back. My hips, ankles, shoulders and arms all seemed to be moving freely without discomfort. I could bend, walk, and run without any problem. My balance was restored so I no longer needed my cane to lean heavily
on or to keep me from falling over. I WAS HEALED!!!.
By delaying sending my testimony about my miraculous healing for a few days, I was able to experience day-by-day differences in my posture and mobility. The continuing discomfort I felt in my lower back in Naju after my healing,
was I suspected weather-related to my back muscles affected by the cold-rainy weather and I was right, because on my return to Atlanta (where the weather was unusually warm), I no longer have any kind of discomfort at all.
The healing is a powerful, life-changing grace for which I am most grateful.
Thank You Jesus! Thank you Loving Mother Mary! Thank you Julia Kim!
May Our Loving Savior and his Blessed Mother always bless you Julia and all who assist you and the Arc of Salvation mission, with the many graces needed to move forward in victory for the sake of poor souls. Amen.
Testimony 2
Testimony given in Naju on 1st March 2012, about events on Sunday, 26th February 2012... Naju has my heart, for here there
is a complete embodiment of all of Jesus' and Mary's messages over the past 200 years..
On Sunday, the 26th, while almost everyone from the Ark of Salvation ministry were on retreat, I spent the day in the Chapel at Blessed Mother's House. During my time of prayer, I sensed the Blessed Mother wanted me to go alone to her mountain
the following morning and promised me sunshine. I went outside and observed the Sacred Host pulsing back and forth in front of the sun, sometimes dancing in a triangular fashion (perhaps indicating the Holy Trinity) and the corona of the sun was slowly spinning. This occured at about 3:45pm and again at about 4:45pm. Sure enough, Monday dawned and the sky was blue with the warm sun melting the standing ice.
Naju has my heart, for here there is a complete embodiment of all of Jesus' and Mary's messages over the past 200 years, and more BUT with the urgency of our being in end-times. I know it will profoundly influence my life, but knowing how our
Loving Mother Mary and Our Beloved Jesus are always faithful to us, I realize that it is up to me to desire and work for good fruits to come of this; and like Jesus told Saint Peter after his Transfiguration not to waste time to build tents on the Mount of Transfiguration but instead to fo back down, and continue the work of building the Kingdom of God, so I too must see where I can help build the Kingdom using my new experiences and knowledge.
Testimony 3
Testimony emailed to Naju on 16th March 2012, about the Water of Graces bottle I received on the morning of Monday, 5th March 2012...
Ave Maria! Alleluia!
Thank You Jesus! Thank you Loving Mother Mary!
On the Monday morning, March 5th, as I was getting ready to leave Blessed Mother's Chapel in Naju, I was given gifts including a bottle of Water of Graces which I believe was blessed by Julia Kim, with I think, a request to drink that water
that day. During the course of the day I drank from this water and experienced a number of beautiful touches of the Blessed Mother's love when I did so.
The 3rd time I drank from it, I got a very strong flavor of roses from the water, with no fragrance. Later, the 4th time I drank, I got a most unusual sensation whereby the taste I detected registered in my brain, was identical to the
fragrance I detected from the acrylic box behind the alter in the Chapel, and again no noticeable fragrance from the water. The 5th time I drank, I got both the taste and the fragrance of the water, like that of the fragrance from within the acrylic box. The 6th time, I experienced both the taste and fragrance as the previous time, but with the addition of a sensation or texture of oil on my tongue.
The 7th and 8th times I drank, I expereinced the same as the 6th with the addition of a light sense of sweetened milk. The small amount remaining I left aside to consume later in the evening. After my night prayers I added some purified water
to the small amount remaining in the bottom of the bottle, to increase its volume. However, on consuming this remaining water, I no longer detected any taste or fragrance and it seemed to again be normal water.
One must realize that this was not different bottles of water, but just one bottle, and the miraculous changes in the taste, fragrance, and texture of the water all occured within that same bottle which was changing throughout the day. Apart
from the ordinary characteristics of the water in the beginning and at the end, there were 5 distinctly different sensations miraculously infused into the water, each easily distinguished from the others, and as such must have been brought about by 5 seperate miracles or by 5 mysterious facets of the same miracle.
All I can understand from this was that I sensed that these differing experiences with the water represented the love of Blessed Mother, to bless me on my journey, with her presence (taste of roses); Jesus' Eucharistic presence (the taste &fragrance
from within the acrylic box); her squeezing herself in love for me (the texture of oil on my tongue); and feeding me with her spiritual milk (the sweetened milk flavor). The generosity of Blessed Mother's love that I felt throughout that day was stunning, and my poor attempts to describe the tastes, fragrances, and textures of the water variations only roughly approximate those which I experienced, because in most cases I cannot find words to describe the supernatural that touched by my natural senses.
Thank You Jesus! Thank you Loving Mother Mary!
May Our Loving Savior and his Blessed Mother always bless you Julia and all who assist you and the Arc of Salvation mission, with the many graces needed to move forward in victory for the sake of poor souls. Amen.
Old lady healed by true repentance with tears Healing sensations appears on the spot


자매님이 무릎과 다리에 뽀뽀와 기도를 하심

율리아 자매님과 감사의 포옹을 하는 모습
Ellyna brought tears in her eye by listening to Julia's song.
I am glad to meet you all and I came here in Naju over 3 times,but it is first time for my mom's visit to Naju this itme. she cannot go out without helpers,cane and wheel chair as a matter of fact because of she only can walk just few steps.It was so hard for her to get on and get off the bus alone. Fortunately she got off the bus and walked down to the restaurant for dinner(about 30meters) and also arrived
this chapel from the bus (about 50 meters) on foot even without cane ,strenghtened by receiving the graces during the 25th anniverary of Our Lady's first weeping tears of blood in Naju.I would like to thank to Julia Kim's prayer and the Lord and the Blessed Mother.
October 20,2011.
Mrs. Ellyna Na Tawidjaja. Int. 1 Villege 2h7. no18 Citraland . Surabaya. Indonesia tel - 62-81-2300-9898
Tour guide I myself is eye-witnesse that she could not walk 3-4 steps without a cane when I went to airport to meet them.
Julia KIm: Did I mention how the tears is so important ? I still remembered her that she hugged me and crying so loudly, I don't know how long she was crying . .It was first time for me to experience that pilgrims cried a lot until her nose turned in red and she cried as much as she wanted at that time and healed of her leg by weeping with true repentance.
All of us, presented at the chapel were all overjoyed by looking at her and Julia Kim also praised the Lord and be to the Blessed Mother ,finally she sang a song below.
My Lord, my God! Glory and honor to you. The Lord of love, the Lord of forgiveness! Glory to you.
Jesus who carried the cross for me! All the glory to you.
O my Lord, O my Jesus! Glory to you
The Mother of the Lord! All our comforts to you. The Mother of love, the Mother of humility! Our praises to you.
O my Mother, O my blessed Mother! Glory to you. Amen
Hard to breath that symptom as if it was chocking and stop breathing was healed by ....

I I've been here in Naju since 1996, I experienced many of miracles occurred here in Naju and I published Messages of love in English and timil and make it known in India.
I also delivered Our Lady of Naju statues to the Vietnam,communist was not easy but Blessed Mother always helped me when I fell into troubles. Now I am 78 years old, and I got sugery of heart and ahrd to breathe. Not long before, I faced with big problems that I can not breathe, it was really emergency
situation that first aid was needed. so I just drank the water of Naju, but the pain was gone that was situatiion and symptom as if stop breathing. I don't have any more respiratory problems.

Therefore, I have been spreading the naju water so far and I will invite eom Indian priest ,his name is sebstiain who are leader of Marian movement and he recently published new Naju Messages of love in english for the purpose of spreading to the people in India.
Mr. Rock Paul 53, Rue Monge 75005 Paris, France
I applied the Naju water 기적수를 주신 하느님과 성모님께 감사드립니다

평소 늘 아프던
허리에 뽀뽀를 해 주시는 율리아 자매님.

춤을 추며 좋아진
허리를 흔들어 보입니다.

From time to time, I used to have back aching and I go to the hospital and they tell me to keep on going. But I did not go back to the hospital and I applied the Naju water, then I got well and healed. Then when we came here I took a bath in the mountain. But I still could not even move my leg again. Even I prayed and my room mate prayed for me but it was in vain, So I worried that how can I go back home. However, Julia kim prayed over me and I was healed immedately.
Noe I can bend my leg and I can jump and now I can kneel and worshop to the Lord and to the Blessed Mother.I will minister to Him and thank Godbecause Out Lady of Naju interceded for me to receive healing graces. I will also pray for the approval of Naju by the church together with my family as soon as I go back home.
Alice. W. Mwaura, Kenya
I was healed of cardiac problems by Julia's prayer

심장이 안좋아
심장에 뽀뽀와 기도를 받고 있는 모습.

지저스 마마 메리~~를 외치며 감탄하고 있습니다.

눈물을 쏟고 있는 모습. 감사의 찬미를 올리며...
I just want to confirm that when I came here ,I having problesm with my breathing even tonight I can hardly breathe. I sleep for some time an then I have to wake up because I am loosing my breathe. I can not breathe all the way because of pain around my ribs, but since I came to Naju, I asked to Mama Julia to touch my right side of chest and today, Julia prayed for me and now I can breathe all the way. I thank Our Lord Jesus Christ, anf the Mother Mary of Naju.
May God be glorified . THank you
Lucy Mwang, Kenya
I was healed of my eyes and tooth.

Praise the Lord. I am Suwangi Damaris. When I introduced this Naju prayer group . I just went to her house ,then she gave me this Naju water. My eyes were problems that tears were coming out of my eyes at any times.I think that it is because of my age,I put a drop of Naju water in my eyes,miraculously no more tears coming from my eyes.another thing is that I had a toothache on my right side. On my way back home, I was so hungry
and I could not shew anything at that time. but I need to eat . But I prayed before eating and alsp drank some Naju water, upon drinking Naju water, pains were gone and I ate chips and sausage. I did not have any pains at all.even now I have not gone to see a doctor again.
I can not understand that why Kwang Diocese persecuted Naju and Julia despite such a miracles occurred until now like this. I will pray harder for Naju.
Damaris, Kenya
I will pray for Our Lady of Naju, I healed of Artritis and glucoma

율리아 자매님이
온 몸이 아픈 자매의 위 아래를 오가며 뽀뽀 해 주시고 기도를 해 주시는 모습

저녁에 몸과 눈이
다 좋아졌다고 증언하면서
율리아 자매님께 감사를 드리는 모습.
My name is Magaret Kenja, I am diabetic and have an Athritis
,also kidney problems, and because of Diabetis, I have a cacteract in my eyes. So I don't read well without eye glasses.I can not see well. Now I don't have any pains even When I pokes my finger into my eyes with my eyelids down and I can't feel anything . and I can read without feeling any pains in my eyes. THank God and Our Lady of Naju and will continue to pray and will become an apostles of Naju Mary.May God bless all of you and bless Julia so much.Thank you
Magaret W. Kanja, Kenya
Naju Water is the best medicines in my life

증언중에 유일한
한가지 바라는 치유는 무릎이라고 하자 율리아 자매님이 얼른 오셔서 무릎에 뽀뽀를 해 주시는


돌아가자마자 무릎을 꿇을 수 있게 됨을 알고 감사의 눈물을 흘리는 모습

율리아 자매님과 다시 만남. 땡큐, 마마 쥬리아, 땡큐 마마 메리.
This is my first trip to Naju, but Naju water has been delivered to me so far since many years ago.
My friest brough back to me the water of Naju wheveer she visited Naju.Naju water was my doctor and medicines whenever I was in pain and feel sick whereever I went to.
Now I am here in Naju, so I asked Our Mother to be healed of my knees because I cannot beend and I can not kneel down for prayer and sitting down.I asks even one healing for me before I go back home.Fortunately, Julia came to me and prayed for me then, I can sit on the floor, I couldn't sit at all before.
(She was showing us that kneeling, and walking and bending her knee at the chap)
61, Jalan Indah 10/9, Bukit Indah, 81200 Johor Bahru, Malaysia 017-7738773
I was healed of depression in 2005
-Thank to the Blessed Motherof Naju
Good evening everyone.
Dear brothers and sisters in CHrist. I came here for me forst visit in 2005. I was healed of knee fragment on the same day I saw 5 wounds of Jesus Christ on the Cross, This year I came again because I want to thank Mama Julia for her prayer to heal my depression by intercession of Our Lady of Naju.
James Wee Teck Hock - Apt Bik 687c, Chua Chu Kang dr. #05-360 (683687)
Naju miraculos water has the power that raises one from the death
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It is real medicines like water from Naju, I've been using this water whenever I feel pain since I have known of Naju and water from naju. I experinced that the water of Naju has a strong power that raises one from the death and defecct all the devil and making efforts to make Naju water known to many people.
Mary Wong Tet Lee Home Address: No.10 Jalan Tropila 7,Taman Bukit Tropika,
81800 Ulu Tiram, Johor, Malaysia
Any quarreling among 7 of us staffs is my office suddenly turning into reconcilling by sprinkling the water of Naju.

Mr. Anthony Milton Beins (라라) Apt Blk 408 Clementi Avenue 1 #02-26 Singapore 120408 65-98317091
Testimonies delivered on August 29, 2015 during the 30th anniversary celebration of Our Lady’s first weeping Tears in Naju, Korea (PDF) (Please, click)